Title: Fairy Tales are True
Pairings: Yoosu (main), hints of others (Hosu, Minsu, Jaesu, Jaechun), lots of friendship. :)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: So fluffy it hurts. XD
Length: Oneshot. 3044 words.
Summary: Yoochun believes in love at first sight. Junsu doesn't.
Warnings: Mild swearing. Cheesy invasion.
A/N: For
in_vazn, prompt table #5: 01 chrysanthemums (red) - I love you as well as
this. Written for
tvxqluvv, the Yoo to my Su.
If Yoochun were to be honest, he would have said he believed in fate, love at first sight, forever, written in the stars, sparks, fairies, and magic. But he's not. )