Title: Hold your breath
Genre: PG; Angst | 324 words
A/N: For
in_vazn. Prompt table # 2 | #25 Sunrise | My claim is Changmin/Yoochun.
A continuation from
Part one; Hold it |
Part two; Forget your fear(Used the lyrics from English Summer Rain by Placebo)
Part three: (
And like the sunrise he makes their one night mistake end just as quickly as the sun appeared. )
Title: Rely on
Genre: PG; Angst | 358 words
A/N: For
in_vazn. Prompt table # 2 | #o5 Hurt | My claim is Changmin/Yoochun.
A continuation from the above!
(Used the lyrics from Plasticine by Placebo)
Part four: (
Maybe, just maybe if he does fall asleep the hurt and confusion might go away. )