5 times Yoochun [#4, Park Yoochun]

Nov 15, 2007 17:05

Title: 5 times Yoochun
Author: Nekocin
Claim: Park Yoo Chun
Theme: #4 want
Words: 212
Genres: General
Warnings: OoC
Rated: overall G
Additional notes: Yoochun's PoV, written in response to in_vazn super casual table #1/2.
Disclaimer: Can't own real people.


He has a habit of noting down things he is most likely thinking sometimes without even noticing.

Behind the piano his pen flows along the paper like water sliding down the smooth surface of the roof. In his head he is orchestrating a piece no one has ever heard. It's his prize.

On autograph sessions he add the usual small thank you notes to his fans on their posters, CDs, pictures, signature pads and randomly drew cat features on Junsu's face when one of the fans slips a large poster under his nose; whiskers and ears along with a sticking tail.

When he's doing nothing at all, just staring ahead to the darkening horizon, he raises his writing hand and with his index finger he scrawls a random message in the air. Maybe a kanji word he has just learned, or a smiley face he usually sees on the internet, or a music ladder or a doodle of his new lived-in puppy.

Jaejoong chuckles whenever his habit surfaces. Yunho creases his eyebrows in worry whenever he stares into space. Changmin makes some witty remark, reading over his shoulder whenever he's working on a piece.
Junsu, the little brat, idly joins him, oblivious to the messages he is sending over his head.

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