Jul 01, 2009 20:20
Alright... let's make this one a good one.
So, there's little doubt as to the reasons for my absence here, so I would suppose no speculation is necessary.
But as a recap for what's been happening with me for the last couple months; I will be brief. My job's season ended at the end of April, so I have been officially unemployed since then. Despite some rigorous job hunting (both online and by actual pavement-pounding), I still have yet to find a job that isn't completely vile, let alone one that is palatable. The precious little I do find that I would be happy to work for all turn down my application. I suppose I couldn't've picked a worse time to be picky about where to work.
Not all of my applications have been in vain. I had actually managed to score an interview at the Pima County Public Library downtown as a cart-pusher (I forgot what the actual job title was, but that essentially sums up what I would've been doing). The only thing was that the entire interview process was an exercise in futility--from the very start of the interview I was told that they weren't hiring at their branch. Then, my interviewer gave me a sheet outlining the mundane duties I would be subjected to doing if I were to land under their employ. Nothing on listed on that sheet surprised me, save one: the average hours of work a week. Ten to fifteen.
I could've flipped. I was made to waste my time (no use in calling it precious time, as I didn't have anything else I would've been better off doing); made to spend money at their stupid underground parking; and made to take an assessment even though it was a moot point. All that crap for a position that even if hired, couldn't've promised me even HALF of a normal work week's hours!
Needless to say, that's had me dejected for a bit. With each day that passes, I think that my best bet will be to resign myself to going back to Intuit once they do their rounds of calling back their previously-employed seasonals. That's even if I am on the top of a much longer list than last year's.
To make matters worse, there are those that I speak with (both loved and cherished friends and acquaintances who I don't really care for), who are starting to give me a hard time about getting a job. Yes, I know I can always put in more effort to getting out there and seeing what I can get my hands on; but it's not like I'm not trying. I swear, there's this one person in particular (who only really talks to me on Facebook, and even then it's to make some kind of backhanded comment) who takes almost every opportunity to remind me that I should get a job. No fucking duh, dipshit! That priority is never far from the top of my list, nor is it something that I can rectify by simply saying, "yeah, you're right, I'll get a job tomorrow."
Recently, he did me the "favor" of reviewing my streamlined and downsized resume and adding some tips and comments to it. The one comment that he made that I could say was the most "constructive" (a term I use loosely) was how he and his boss hate it when people right-hand align their contact information at the top of their resume. Now, I know that it might not be a popular way of having your resume look, but I really don't think someone would be so fickle as to disqualify an otherwise good potential candidate because of visual presentational preferences. Oh, and as an aside, from what I understand, this acquaintance is merely a worker drone at his company as well. He doesn't have any hiring or Human Resources-style clout to make hiring judgment calls.
Bah... I ranted about my work (or rather, lack of) for much longer than I cared to. I suppose other subjects should be separated into another entry, if for no other reason than to encourage me to write again and not muddle up the overall mood of this post (which I suppose you can say is "angsty").
Anyway, I just had some Chinese leftovers from Friday and they didn't seem to destroy my stomach *knocks on wood*, so I maybe I'll go get some ice cream or something. Thank goodness for unemployment! :)