Best friends may come and go, but sex is eternal

May 19, 2009 21:56

Long time since an actual post. As much as I had championed LJ in the face of newer, more attention-span-deficit indulging micro-blogging sites and features like Facebook and Twitter, I find myself increasingly under their sway.

I had thought it was pretty redundant to have my Tweets shipped to my LJ in lieu of a daily post, because most of the people that read my blog are also on Twitter. Besides, it's not like I'm getting an abundance of comments on here as it is. So, I've decided to turn off my automatic shipping of my daily Tweets to here. I figure if I have anything of worth to say, I'll have enough good sense to make a full fledged blog about it.

I already lost an LJ friend over it and while I think that it's kinda silly to de-friend someone over that, it's their choice and their loss as well.

That being said, tonight's been an lesson in maintaining tact and having to put up with the stronger personalities of some of those that I live with. I now see why some of the less vociferous roommies of mine are usually locked away in their rooms.

Feh... I'm not going to dwell more on it more than I have already. It's passed and I need to let things go.

Lastly, after having seen Angels & Demons last Friday, I've been obsessed with the song "Chevaliers de Sangreal" from The Da Vinci Code (which I believe was also used in A&D). Anyway, I thought I'd share it with you. It's the most beautiful piece of cinematic scoring that I have heard in quite a long time.

Chevaliers De Sangreal - Hans Zimmer

facebook, da vinci code, housemates, angels & demons, hans zimmer, twitter

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