Something Tweet

May 17, 2009 00:09

  • 01:56 A friend's post on FB reminded me of these two classic candy commercials: and #
  • 01:56 Don't ask why I was YT'ing retro candy commercials at 2:00AM. I'm kinda psychotic that way. LOL #
  • 03:34 One last YT share before bed: --This is the "Chevaliers de Sangreal" from The Da Vinci code. #
  • 10:23 @ rubentapia Hi Ruben! #
  • 10:24 One would imagine that if one is being roused fairly early enough by one's roommate, that one would get to bed earlier, wouldn't one? #
  • 13:03 Having lunch w/Dev & his family at Agave at the casino. It's kinda ritzy, the bread they have is kinda chocolatey. #
  • 16:36 Nap time! #
  • 17:00 So much for my nap >:( #
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