Oct 03, 2007 16:37
I was fortunate enough to get my profile approved on Bear411 this weekend (the 4th time's the charm!), so as you can imagine, I spent quite a bit of my normal online sluffing off on that site.
Well, no sooner had I been on there a few hours (a good part of Saturday and even bigger part of Sunday), when the hook-up offers start rolling in! And, true to form, I took up the first offer that came in - and lived to regret it. This guy that lives only a few blocks north of me invited me over. Seeing as it's been about 3 months since my last romp, I (almost too quickly) accepted and went to his place. It didn't start off too bad, but very quickly I started regretting it - this guy was homelier than 50's housewife and I really wanted nothing more than to get the f out of there. Of course, having (too) polite tricking etiquette, I dutifully saw it through (even though I had to fake climax). The guy asked me to call him back if I ever wanted to get together again, which I confidently agree will happen at HALF PAST NEVER!
Another horror came from this guy shortly after getting back in from that horrible first encounter. The guy very straightforwardly asked me if I needed cum. I thought it would be fun to play around with this guy and give him 20 questions (as if I would take another offer in one evening, especially one that would compromise any shred of self-respect I have to accept), after about three messages back and forth, he stopped. I guess he did the job himself, found someone more willing or just got fed up with me. I'm hoping it was the latter, Jackhole.
Then I got a rather strange one, this time it was on MySpace. This kid (literally - he's 18) who I had just added as a friend starts messaging me asking me if I wanted to go out with him. He looks a bit like cross between a cholo, a Mexi-twink and a frat boy, so I first thought he was joking (I probably shouldn't judge people's tastes by the way they look, but I really don't think I'm his type). A few messages back and forth and I discover that this guy seems to be serious. Needless to say, I'm a bit on guard about this one. Not only because I've vowed to myself that I would be a bit more wary in all well-seeming prospects to avoid setting myself up for another heartbreak, but because he's also effing Josh's age! Both his age and lack of communication were the downfalls to our relationship and I really don't want to start one where I'm already at a handicap. I'm at a bit of a loss to this one, I don't wanna be a jerk to him, but I don't think I want to try to pursue anything. I think the best will be to keep things cautious over the MySpace messaging. Besides, he's a freshman at the U of A, surely he'll find a more suitable guy to date!
Happily, there are some hits among the many misses in the online scene. Three gents have been kind enough to extend some courtesy to me through Bear411.
The first is the 21-year-old in Mesa who is so adorable and has so much the same interests as I do. He's a bit shorter than I (about 5'7") has dark brown hair and perfectly white skin and about as proportionately chubby as I am. Other than a bit of photo-swapping, we haven't done much and I don't think anything will come of it - short of possibly a meeting.
Nextly, is a person with whom I've already had a history. We had met twice in real life previously, in completely non-sexual terms and have spoken on the phone countless times before then. This was about two - maybe three - years ago and we've lost touch for various reasons throughout then. Anyway, I had the great fortune of meeting up with him on Monday night and having quite evening together - aside from his verbose prattling about very highly intellectual topics (mathematics, logic and the like). Sex with him was incredibly enjoyable. Definitely moreso than when I was with the fuckwad (though the thought of his naked chubby body is really enough to start pining for him). Anyway, I had lots of fun with this guy and would sleep with him again in heartbeat.
The last one is also the most promising one. Like the man I mentioned previously, I had known him before getting to talk to him. We had briefly flirted on MySpace before he started seeing another friend of mine and I right before I started dating. His relationship with his partner just recently soured (probably due to distance - he lives in Phoenix, the guy he was seeing lives here in Tucson) and almost instantly he and I started flirting again. We've already covered a lot of basics - putting forth all our baggage and lessons learned from our failed relationships and using it to keep ourselves in check this time around. We haven't actually met yet (the weekend being the only viable time to do so), but we've already sent a couple hundred text messages back and forth and have talked a bit on the phone, so we both have a really good feeling about the possibility of there being something. All that needs to happen is to click physically. I just hate it that my car's probably not in any current condition to make the 100 mile trip up there to see him! I'm so gonna try and get that fixed this weekend. But I digress, I am keenly aware of the importance of keeping my feelings in check with this guy, I don't want to turn on my internal neon "LOVE" sign until after I've been with him long enough. But at the same time, he and I have so many things in common that it's hard to keep cool about it.
Gah! This is so frustrating! I'm all about having a good time with others (so long as they're not the first two people I mentioned), but I'm really hurting to build a connection and form an attachment to someone that extends beyond just physical attraction. It really makes me wonder how that asswad is doing in his relationship.
nelly furtado,
work post,
the ex,