THANK YOU EVERYONE THAT MADE MY BIRTHDAY A SPECIAL ONE :) Its times like these you realize how many people care for you and how many you care for too! Thanks again guys.
I love target. Went and spent some birthday money on necessities.
OH! and So today me and my corn dog Jared finally hit up the Dog Pound! LMAO! It had to be the funniest thing in the whole world I couldnt stop laughing. Smelt like wet dog lol "Try the Junkyard, Its my favvvorite".."CRAZY BITCH" lol Omg do not try the junkyard. lol I looked at Jared's weiner and it was sick lol And mine was sick too the Philly soggy bun lol Ay :sigh: So after almost throwing up we wen to taco bell instead. But thanks anyway Jared it was the best birthday present I dont care if it was revolting I had good laughs. We are still going to burn it down and yell FUCK YOU DOG POUND lol Jerks.
And now I must force my senioritis ass to do some english hw. boooo
so i leave you with these
lmao inside joke Me and my cousin Tiky