Dec 04, 2005 18:08
Soo i havnt updated in forever. I dont think im gonna keep this thing much longer lol.
Anyways i dont even know what ive been up to. Just hanging out with my friends and trying to have a good time. For the most part i am really enjoying life right now. Im just trying not to think so much about things and concentrate more on school and of course having fun with my friends. Life's too short and i just wish i didnt care as much as i do about things but i just can't help it. I hate how I get wicked jealous so easily. Life would be so much better if i didn't. But thats me and as much as i say im gonna change its so hard but im trying to. And i know im always gonna be like this and always care too much and always be jealous but if i could just hold it inside me so that no one sees everytihng should be ok. Sucks on my part and it is gonna be so hard but if i try hard enough maybe i will see things start to trun around. Im so confused about everything right now, about what I want..doesnt matter though, cuz im not going to get it either way but i just wish i could make my mind up about things...
I just wish I could let go...