Oh I'm On Fire (Burning Up The Dance Floor)

Jul 10, 2005 01:47

It's Getting Chaotic:

Oh god where do i begin?? well lets start on Thursday!

Thursday i hung out with Rob and Steven aka "Paris". we went to Southland mall and went shopping. OMG i bought some underwear from Express which are so comfortable and its like skin lol. i feel fucking hot in them and i look hot in them. After that I went home and got sexy and shit. I've been in this weird state of mind lately like im more at ease with myself. well i got ready and i drove back over to Rob's house and David came over and we drove to menjos drinking vodka in the car on the way there. i know drinking and driving is bad but i didnt car...i was drunk. and rob and david were doing coke.... which im kinda disapointted at rob for doing. but im going to be there for him because he is going through a lot and a lot of people that we know arent there for him and i know how he feels cause people have done that too me....hmmm.

we start walking on 6 mile rd where menjos is at in detroit and there is a line at the door. and im paranoid cause i dont wanna be shot lol. so we get inside and and i get all outrageous and shit. i started drinking more and whatever. and further in the night i get in my zone. they played me against the music remix from the album and followed by my prerogative....and this guy named casey kept "lookin at me like i got what he needs" and i started dancing harder. we started dancing to together and he was being a bit too friendly by doing things i dont agree with and i told him no. after that bullshit i went back on stage and dancing with this hairy guy....dont ask me. well this guy or whatever knew this guy named Pauly....PAULY IS FUCKING NICE AS HELL AND HOTTTTTTTTT. and started dancing and i was feelin' him a lot..(i mean liking him and well u know that too lol). then we started making out. okay people i have not been kissed like that since well i dont want to go there right now. but i was like im liking this guy. and then i was making out with casey, him, the hairy guy, and my friend nick. and it was a bit too much for me and im like this is not me at all. so me and pauly just started making by ourselves and fucking casey got all pissed and was like chris is mine and back off and im like dude i just met u dont own me. and i left them alone. and i went outside to wait for david and rob. well we were in the parking lot i met this one guy named brian he is cool. then out of no where i see pauly and went up to him and started flirting. and he was like i dont want to go home and i was like well we are going to After Hours at Ineundo. so i decided to drive with him and drink some of his alcohol that he had. and we had fun and i dance for im a slave 4 u and doing all the moves and that turn him on. but he said he got to go home and got his number and i havent called. these fucking canadians boys kept looking at me and rob while Outrageous and Dirrty was on. and me and rob just played with them a bit and we got there numbers lol. i got home at 6 and had to be work at 8 am and i over slept and got there 40 minutes late Oops! i was suppose to hang out with leighann but work got in the way and our schedules conflicted each other..what can u do? I went to visit this guy named Ted but that is never gonna happen again cause he is A K-FED TO THE EXTREME. and im looking for someone who can fit my lifestyle and my new life.

Later that night i got ready to go out...i was in this hermet mood getting ready drove to robs house for his birthday. and he was in a sad mood. and im like this is gonna a fun night he was depressed. i gave him his b-day card and his birthday present. i think that made his day cause im the only one of his friends who gave him a fucking card which sucks and a present. and i wrote him a special note. like i feel really close to rob now. cause its like looking into a mirror. well we got to Necto and met David, Aaron, Justin, Corey and Jeremy. Rob and I changed out clothes in the car before we got in cause we didnt like what we were wearing. So it was like the Overprotected Darkchild Remix Video and then we walked like she did after the elevator scene...very empowering. we got in there and we danced it up. I notice that a lot of people are getting to know me and respect. and i like that its all i wanted. I HAVENT HAD DRAMA WITH ANYONE AND I LOVE THAT. ITS ALL LOVE. well we walked out and david and aaron went to this party. the rest of us went the car and i said bye to rob cause he is in New York City for a week with Jeremy. WISH I WAS THERE. NOT HERE....well darren didnt show up to his birthday at necto which is so fucking stupid and that made rob more upset. i know how he feels. i was seeing jeff bade when i was 18 and he did the same thing to me on my birthday well not really but being an ass.

After that, i drove to NYPD ALONE..+( and i start talking to these people and i went to this party. it was cool and then i saw this staring at me and u know u what came CHAOTIC. and i start talking to him and i really like him and his name is Brandon. and we start making out and shit. and we hung out for the rest of night. and we crashed at his manor in downtown a2. i was tired and i didnt want to go too far with him so i just cuddle with him cause ive been feeling lonely.

right now i dont neccessarily feel alone im just feel lonely. when ur heart is broken and u feel like u let ur guard down u dont want to let someone or anyone in that fact ive been guarded with a lot of people cause i dont want them to bring me down. i dont need that at all.

we may say im flithy but you're the one who made me guilty.

I need to Slow down before this get to crazy for me....sorry for the long entry.
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