I agree with
bradmblings , LJ is definitely a habit that it hard to kick. I am not nearly as obsessed with it as I was in my college years, but there is still something about it that keeps pulling me back. Even though it has come back to bite me in the ass more than once, I love the fact that I can mentally spew my anger and frustrations without callous or judgment. At least, not initially ;)
Let's see, what's new in the world of Amanda...
Well, I am officially done with my 3rd football season at the high school, and what a long season it was. I will be very sad not to see the coaches and kids everyday, but holy lord did we have our fill of injuries. It was the year of the knee, that, if anything, was for certain. I think Jay got as sick of seeing me as I was of telling him the litany of kids that were out for the week. But we made it though, kicking and screaming some days :) Soccer ended more abruptly than anyone expected, and I have to say I was truly bummed for about 2 days after their unexpected departure in districts. It just goes to prove that you can paint the town in the regular season, but come playoffs, all bets are off. In a week or so we start in with the winter sports, which means all basketball, all the time, lol. My saving grace is wrestling, which has come to be one of my favorite sports. I love that the intensity and outlook of the match can change in an instant, and you only have 9 minutes to prove your worth. Should be a really fun season, and as usual, I'm still head over heels in love with my job. I'm still convinced I have one of the best jobs in the world :) A week from today I plan on signing up for another pre-req for PA school. Hopefully, by this time next year I will have all of my applications done and sent in. I have my list narrowed down to 6 schools, so I'm praying one of them is desperate enough to take me ;)
In 4 days I will be moving!! My friend Sean and I have bought a house in Ferndale and I could not be more excited about it! It's been a long time coming; we have been waiting to close for about 2 months. This past Friday it finally happened, and in a few short days I will be out of this apartment and into the new house. It will be a longer drive to work, but in better proximity to everything else in my life. Suffice it to say, I will be 20 minutes from EVERYTHING, which is awesome. The only part that bums me out is that I finally feel like I know where everything is and am comfortable with this side of town and now I'm moving, lol. Now I get to learn the Ferndale/Royal Oak area, which I think is going to be fun too.
The other bit of news I have, and by news I mean not even 15 minutes old is that I finally did it. I e-mailed Danny. I'm not going to lie, it took me a good 5 minutes to work up the courage to hit the send button. It was a short, breezy letter and in the end, I couldn't think of a good reason why not. The impetus for this, other than my constant pondering over the past few years, was coming across a box of things from my room at my parents house. In it was my entire adolescence and a the tail end of my high school career, he,
bradmblings , Andy, and Steve were a huge part of my life. Pictures and letters littered the box and for a while I sat mesmerized by my past life. Life is too short. At the end of the day, I miss my friend. I don't know if he'll write me back, or even read it, but I hope he does. We have to release that death grip on the base of the tree and go out a limb sometimes I guess :)
Hey what do ya know, an entry that isn't doom and gloom...I guess I'm movin' up in the world :)