morning musings

May 29, 2008 12:24

The illustrious Mr. Whitman posted a bulletin about the things he’s learned in recent times (i disagree with one: not ALL duke fans are liars. I think i’m very truthful!). It started that brain process some people call "thinking"...what have I learned?

Well, for starters, I’ve learned that no one and nothing can make you happy if you yourself can’t. WE have control over our thoughts and feelings. Other’s may trigger certain reactions, but it’s up to us how we react to our own reactions (did i lose you?).

No one can love you the way your best friends can. As hard as it is to leave love behind you, it’s so much harder to leave your best friend.

I am a damn beautiful person. Inside, outside, all the way around. And like Jenny stated for herself, It only took me 23 years to accept the fact.

Love may only happen in fairy tales, But everyone deserves a fairy tale of their very own.

Love isn’t always enough. But if it’s real, and if it’s true, then it’s enough to make you try a little harder.

It’s not very easy to make new friends. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try.

The best lessons by which to live your life can be taught to you by any toddler: Do not throw a tantrum if you don’t get your way. Always share. A kiss can heal any wound. Crayons will always make a dull world a much better place (as will fingerpaints). And lastly, a friendship always starts with a sincere smile.

No matter what hell you are going through in your life, no matter how dark your path seems to be...sunshine cannot reach you again until you open your heart and laugh. They say it’s the best medicine, and They (whoever they may be) are absolutely right. It’s damn near a cure all...i can use phrases like that, I’m back in DC!

Do not be so naive as to trust everyone blindly. But be willing to trust with an open heart and to hear with an open mind.

Life is worth all of it. All the heartache, all the grief, all those moments when you feel like the world around you is crumbling. Life is worth it. The most desparaging and downtrodden people in this world are that way partly because they’ve given up their hope, given up their belief that somewhere, somehow there is a better way. Fight for survival--even when it’s yourself you have to fight--and strive to follow your own stars and pave your own path....because in the end, we all deserve a fairy tale.

And finally, we’re all something beautiful. To someone or in someway. Find your beauty, and realize that no one can break you down.
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