A few vaguely spoilery thoughts about last night's Game of Thrones

May 02, 2016 20:12

1. If you had any doubt at all about what a fucking dick Ramsay is, well, now you know. To me, that was the most upsetting part of the show.

2. How about that Dolorous Ed... and Davos. ♥ THEY WIN FOR STARS OF THE EVENING.

3. So was Jon just doing time in Ghost or what? Was anyone surprised by his storyline, besides my husband who hasn't read the books?

4. That poor girl who has no name. To think I used to like Jaqen!

5. Damn you, show, for making me feel for Melisandre. She looked so defeated!

6. Max von Sydow is a cruel master.

7. More than one instance of people getting their skulls smashed into a wall! Go Show Go!

I can't help but wonder how the books and show will diverge now (or if anyone will care enough to read the books after the show, although they're really discrete ASOIaF universes). So far this season is a bit of a wild ride. What did you think?

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