
Apr 07, 2016 18:33

Because enough shit happens in life and even more is slated to happen...

So yesterday I was looking at my DW icons thinking it might be time to retire a bunch of my Battlestar Galactica icons to make room for other things. That gave me a fleeting moment of sadness. BSG will always be close to my heart, but the fandom of my heart is still Cowboy Bebop. Then I started thinking about how defining myself in the space of 100 icons can be a pretty accurate reflection on the fandoms I like currently and the ones that interest me most.

Update the icons: yes or no? Do I really need more Dragon Age icons (what a silly question, who doesn't). Also I know I talked about it a little on twitter, but boy, Heroes of Dragon Age is such a beautiful game. The player part of me knows it was hard enough to narrow down a party to five members in each of the games, but now I can have up to 550 party members to choose from, across all the games. I know I've been playing too much when I start saying things to myself like "hey, that Enraged Spirit is pretty kickass!" or "I'm gonna max-power my Level III ogre."

That was a digression. It does make me want to get off my butt and finish my Mage playthrough of Inquisition.

Also: still tapping my fingers waiting for news on the Final Fantasy VII remake. I know, how old-school of me. By the time it comes out, I'll probably have lost interest. Sorry, Vincent. You are still the Crown Prince of Emo.

I guess that's about it! I'm still thinking about fandoms. I'm not really in any any more, at least not in a visible sort of way. What are all of you doing/watching/reading/RPing in your spare time?

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