
Dec 13, 2012 00:51

I get shy talking about myself. Usually, I have to just jump right in, both feet, no looking. So here are some things you might want to know.

- I am an unabashed fan of the things I love, and I'll talk about them. But I'll do it behind a cut in most cases, so you can always feel free to skip right on by if you're not interested. Voila:

- I'm passionate about Battlestar Galactica. It's the show of my heart and has been for a long time now. Sam Anders is my favorite character on the show without question. I'd say Battlestar and Breaking Bad are the standards to which I hold most other TV shows. I'm picky about my TV and when left to my own devices don't really watch much of it. My husband, who you'll come to know as the International Man of Mystery because he travels so much, is one of those people who needs to have the TV on all the time. He leaves the room; I turn it off. He comes back in and turns it on again. I'm a little in love with Netflix streaming. I'd be a lot in love with it if it had more movies I want to watch. I like quirky and unusual films. I like some anime series. I've had a big long love affair with Cowboy Bebop for years. I'm also quite fond of Baccano!, Samurai Champloo, and parts of Last Exile.

- Writing. I'm a writer. I have a story coming out in an anthology from Untold Press in January. Because I enjoy sounding like a cliche, I'll tell you I'm working on a novel. I don't troll about my original fiction here. I have a blog over on Wordpress where I talk (kind of) about writing, because it seems the more professional thing to do. Sometimes I look for people to read stuff, but I try to ask politely. I am a method-actor when it comes to writing. I'll learn all sorts of things because my character(s) know those things, so I need to know them to write convincingly. If you see me go off on a tangent about something new and bizarre, it's probably because I'm writing about it somewhere. That aside, I'm on a constant quest to learn new stuff just for my own continued evolution so it's not always for the writing.

- I love the beach. I grew up in Connecticut and spent a lot of time at the beach. I knew how to swim in the ocean before I figured out how to do it in a pool. Right now I'm an hour and a half from the nearest ocean beach (I live outside Portland, OR) but I go there as much as I can. I've had this site up in a tab for days. Wind and waves, cooperate.

- Books. I read and read. I was an English Lit major with a focus on Irish lit, so that meant lots of Joyce & Yeats. It's a niche market. I'll read almost anything. Right now I'm having a love/hate relationship with George RR Martin, trying to make myself go back to A Dance with Dragons but it feels a little ponderous. I just read Life of Pi and The Descendants and a neat little short story book called Sum.

- In my day job I'm a licensed therapeutic massage therapist. I've been doing that for eleven years. I specialize in massage for relaxation, with a focus on the head, neck, and shoulders. I work a lot with people in chronic pain, with chronic headaches, and with fibromyalgia. I'm also an energy work practitioner (Reiki, Polarity Therapy) and teach massage classes from time to time. I do a lot of chakra-based work and wear the chakra colors (such a pretty rainbow) on my wrist every day. I believe in balance, harmony, and breathing. My motto probably ought to be "Breathe."

- I am a tree-hugging liberal vegetarian nature-loving environmentalist carrying my aluminum water bottle everywhere so I can stem the tide on single-use plastic water bottles. Phew, that was a mouthful. I've been trying really hard lately not to forget my own bottle. I even packed it on my last vacation, and used it everywhere. I have five cats (Captain Jack, Will Turner, Klondike, Tabasco, and Tawny - they just kept showing up!) and a ton of bird feeders and some very friendly raccoons. Also, my neighbor's cat Eveready thinks he lives at my house. He likes to jump into my car when I get home.

- I check both LJ and Dreamwidth regularly. I have a twitter account but I'm afraid I'm terribly uninteresting over there. You can find me at
notsuestorm. I mostly respond to other peoples' stuff, but I don't really check it all that consistently and skim over a lot. My photo and personal tumblr is at
eleven02 and my mostly Sam Anders fan tumblr is at
heybabyhi, but that last one's pretty much on hiatus.

- Photos go behind the cut. I take a lot of pictures, practice makes perfect. For example:

Cotoneaster berries. We have a remarkable number this year.

Here's the base of a bird feeder. The top part cracked and broke in the wintertime a few years ago, but we still put peanuts and seeds out on the base. Today it had rain on it, and a reflection of the cotoneaster.

I kind of feel that this is no great shakes, really. It's another puddle image, this time in front of the garage on the pebbly concrete. But I had song lyrics stuck in my brain so this one's titled Can't You See That It's Just Raining. Imaginative. Thank you, Jack Johnson.

This is the path in our front yard. Right now it's drowning in leaves. I mostly took this for jules1278 because she loves trees.

Then I turned it into this nightmare yard scene, just for fun and just to play with photo editing effects. My site of choice for that is Picmonkey, by the way.

What do you think?

That's probably enough for now. Welcome to my corner of things. If you have any questions, please, ask away. I'm so happy to answer, and honored that you're here.

This entry's here too with

introductions are in order

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