Jan 02, 2007 11:52
So last night I slept for 12 hours. I've been very happy with my schedual over here because I've been getting out of work at reasonable times for the most part and getting many days off. Therefore I have been able to catch up on all the sleeping I have lost last semester due to me overfilling my schedual.
I just got back from the gym and I was doing the incline bench press when a man in an American Apparel green shirt walks in. I almost drop the bar on myself. You know when you see someone that is so perfect physically that you doubt for a few minutes that you're actually looking at someone real? Yeah...that was basically my reaction. His arms were basically molded out of clay. PERFECTLY. Everytime he reached down to pick up a weight I stared at his perfectly formed triceps. As I stared at him I figured he was probably straight. However I though "I can't believe someone this hot lives in my complex!" Then I watched him as he did the incline bench and the best feeling came over me when I saw him take off 10 pounds from what I was doing. I did more weight than him! That made me feel very good. I never intended for it, but my strength is very high compared to my muscle mass. I have very tight muscles. Which I both like and don't like. Ideally I would want to have a body like his...but he was about 6' so I don't know if a body like that would look good on me.
Last night Greg and I made REALLY good chicken from a recipe I had remembered my mom doing when I used to live with her. Part of it calls for dipping the chicken in egg.
Isn't that both incredibly sad and ironic dipping a chicken in egg? Me and Greg winced at the irony and proceeded to bake it. It was so good!
Today I am having another operation (ugh) and I am going for my first voice lesson in years! I though I may as well since I have some extra money to use. I may be getting an iPod today as well :-/ I hate to conform, but I don't have too much against Apple, as monopolistic as they may seem at times. They are actually a pretty good company. Plus, I get bored when I work out and I want to listen to Stephanie Miller! Anyone know if you can listen to mp4 files on iPods? Not just mp3s?