New to LJ or any blog based RPG's? No worries, once you get the hang of it, it's fairly easy ^_^
Creating An Account: Firstly, you need to create an account, and give it a cool name (something character related is always good). Next you will need to go to the RP community (
insomnia_mwpp ) and in the top right corner, you should be able to 'join' the community. This will allow you to post new threads/topics and reply to existing ones.
Creating a RP thread: To create a new thread of your own, you'll need to be logged into your account. On the left hand side there should be an option to 'post to journal' ; from there you can write your entry, making sure that you have selected the insomnia_mwpp community from the 'where to post' list at the top. Once you're done, post it and it will appear on the community and on your friends page.
The top of the post should contain.
1. Where is it set
2. What's the scenario
3. Who's participating
4. Rating
Some threads are open to all, some may only be open to specific characters, depending on what plots players have been planning....heres a couple of examples:
1. Magical world - The Great Hall
2. Food Fight!
3. Open to all
4. PG
1. Dream world
2. Dream Date
3. James Potter and Lily Evans
4. 18! (james wishes. It's actually a 12)
Finally, type the body of the post, which will be the roleplay bit. Once this is done, please pop the body of the post into an LJcut so that (as demonstrated here: "Highlight the text you want to cut, then press the
button (
). In the dialog box, you can replace "Read more..." with another word or phrase to link to the entire entry. When creating or editing an entry, the text included in the
is surrounded by dashed lines and small split scissors images." this saves some space, and peoples eyes should the post be above a 12 rating :P
Creating a Character Journal: With character journals you simply write your journal (at the top of your post, type whether its private, public or to a select few people ie "hexed private to Marauders" is a journal entry only Marauders can read) then simply post it to your own journal.
Interacting: How do other people see your entries? Or you see other peoples? Easy! Once you've been accepted, please add your fellow players RP journals to your friends list (go to the character list, click on a character, then add as friend from the menu on the top tight). Once this is done and they've accepted your request you can use your 'friends page' (top left menu) to view the most recent entries from all of your friends journals, and the most recent threads from the RP. You could of course, just go to the characters journal and read their entries, or go to the community to read the RP threads.
Tags: Tags are added to the bottom of the post to allow players an idea of where the thread is taking place, who is in it, and could even contain a keyword to describe it. Use of tags is encouraged, so that players dont miss threads that they might want to play in.
Where. Characters. Keyword.
Magical world, Severus Snape, Lily Evans, hogsmeade
Dream world, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, mischief
current tags for characters are
c: James Potter
c: Sirius Black
c: Remus Lupin
c: Peter Pettigrew
c: Lily Evans
c: Severus Snape
c: Regulus Black
c: Lukas Simpson
c: Skye Holmes
current tags for places
P: magical world
P: dream
P: world
P: Hogwarts
P: Hogsmeade
P: Gryffindor
P: Hufflepuff
P: Slytherin
P: Ravenclaw
P: Common Room
P: The Library
P: Quidditch Pitch
P: Great Hall
P: Classroom
P: The Lake
P: Diagon Alley
P: Knockturn Alley
p: broom closet
current tag keywords (activities/events/thread status)
a: Class
a: Mischief
a: Pranks
a: Detention
a: Homework
a: Date
e: owl post
e: mod post
thread: open
thread: closed
thread: active
thread: finished