Whats all this 'cutting back the military' fund business?
The whole fucking point of an aircraft carrier is to carry aircraft you knob!
www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-11570593 Moving on...
Ayos church on sunday was okies. Not so scary this time, tho the boys didnt turn up so once again i was the only 'white' girl as it were. Slightly disconcerting but i was fiiiine. Didnt no any of the songs or anything but meh. I was invited back so musta done something right.
Yesterday was Ayos 21st birthday. We had a little party. Cat and Lecharne came up to see her too. It was cool to have cat back in the flat lol havent seen her since last year =/
She enjoyed herself which is the main thing, altho i did hear her and Wisdom had a little tiff. Well im not suprised cos he can be a knob at times. I had to slink off to bed early cos i was praticualry falling asleep in my cake lol.
Didnt have any lectures today but i did spend the day reading >.< stupid readings for seminars taking up all my time! Weirdly enough tho i enjoyed reading about the fors and againsts for religious education in school more then i did on Judaism.... I think its cos with the education one i kinda have a little (ok big) opinion on it. Spent most of the day alone. Was just in one of them moods.
Altho me and BEN (i no he'll read this) had a tiff today. Over Queer Theory. I'll admit its a confusing theory and to understand it you need to think alittle outside the box, and prehaps alittle outta your comfort zone. But i really thought i new what it was all about, and then he came along and challenged everything!!
Got to admit tho..Our lovers tiffs are a giggle.
Its spirit day tomorrow. I've got my purple to wear =)
Purple nails,top and underwear... tho no ones gunna see the underwear haha.