Weekly Who - School Reunion

Apr 29, 2006 21:00

I only arrived at home from Wales (photos soon) 10 minutes before the episode began and am pretty tired from travelling so I'm taking more of a running commentary approach to reviewing "School Reunion":

Evil Giles!

*obligatory Torchwood reference*

That montage with the kids on computers? Too long. And the dramatic music didn't so much work for me. Not even later on in the episode.

Sarah Jane! Eee, dazed Doctor. Awww.

"Everyone died, Sarah"

I wasn't looking forward to the initial Sarah Jane/Rose interaction (played endlessly in adverts) because I find that kind of bickering tedious. I did like Mickey's first reaction to them, though. "Oh, mate! The missus and the ex!"

I adore that the Doctor is still mean to Mickey. And that comment about him screaming like a little girl? With the accompanying description? If this was the Harry Potter fandom, there would be fic already. Yes, yes. Fandom poisoned my mind. (Dear writers: Please, please, don't.)

Dear God, this episode was full of Smiths. Mickey Smith, Sarah Jane Smith, John Smith. Yeesh.

Sarah talking about having to live her life after the Doctor; it reminded me straight away of icebluenothing's "The Candle that Burns Brightest". I love when fic does that.

"Aberdeen's next to Croyden isn't it?" I &heart; the Doctor's geography.

"Oh my God. I'm the tin dog..."

You know what I've been missing about the Tenth Doctor? The quiet moments from season one, like in the end of "The End of the World". The episodes so far have all been rather hyperactive but this one had the quiet moments again such as the "curse of the Timelords" speech. Brilliant.

The Doctor and Giles Finch facing off at the swimming pool. Wow. Wow. Finch taunting the Doctor was deliciously malevolent. Wow.

"If I don't like it, then it will stop" Bring on the nemesis plzkthnx.
"I'm so old now. I used to have so much mercy." Eee.

Loch Ness Monster > everything. Rose and Sarah Jane laughing together at the Doctor was joyous. They are both such Doctor/TARDIS shippers, too. Hee.

"They're not just using their brains. They're using their souls." *shiver*

Eeeeee, Giles Finch tempting the Doctor. That was a nice touch to the hubris plotline.

I really can't stand the dramatic music.

Fire alarm. Clever Kenny. I thought the cheers from the kids for him at the end was a sweet.

K9's batteries are running low. Go figure. (Don't mind me, I've just spent the past two days in Wales and fighting a losing battle with the batteries in my digital camera.)

K9 go boom? :(

YAY MICKEY AS A COMPANION! (And that burst of Mickey!love came out of nowhere. Nice.) "You need a Smith on board."

Did I hear "Song for Ten" playing there at the end? I do hope this isn't just a one off because that is a lovely tune.

Aww... But hoorah for K9 being there at the end.

Verdict: LOVE. LOVELOVELOVELOVE. I had admittedly, fairly low expectations (because of the huge anticipation coming from the rest of fandom, and I'm contrary) but this is my favourite Tenth Doctor story thus far. Everything seems to be falling into place now - I have a clearer sense of Ten's character (and I love what I'm seeing); I no longer hate the hubris plotline (I'm growing to quite like it, actually); David Tennant is amazing, and the quiet moments I missed are back. And Sarah Jane is awesome.

Plot wise - well, if I'm honest, I don't really care awfully about plot at the best of times, and I'm certainly too happy to care right now. So long as the plot holes can't fit a tank through them, my viewing experience will remain untainted.

Quote of the day from Doctor Who Confidential

"I am now a Krillitane. I think I sound rather like a hair product." - Anthony Head

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