Fandom lite and world filling things

Apr 19, 2006 22:57

I haven't had time to read fic at all today so instead I have been reading rec lists. None of the stories, just the list of recommendation. For fandom lite, it is oddly enjoyable. I especially rec these recs (rec2?) - Polyamorous Recs and Bright Shiny Objects. Both are multifandom and a pleasant enough to read even if you don't have time to read the fic.

And on a subject utterly unrelated to my lack of time, (although paying attention to things like this probably says a lot about why I don't have any time) I have been trawling through the semi-forgotten depths of my music and this line jumped out at me from It's The End Of The World As Know It by REM

That's great, it starts with an earthquake / birds and snakes, an aeroplane

Snakes! On! A! Plane! [imdb] You hear about it once, and it embeds itself your brain. With the online geek population alone, this movie is going to fill the cinemas when it opens. It's already got a cult fan following.


Here's some music spam for everyone because I'm feeling illegal today. This is a small selection of the most mind filling, world filling music I have, making it perfect to listen to if you are going crazy and need something to focus on outside of your own brain.

It's The End Of The World As Know It by REM [YSI link] - Not only for the the snakes and planes in the first two lines, but the sheer speed and volume of the words. Bet you can't follow it on just one listen.

Night of the Swallow by Kate Bush [YSI link] - If I had one song to listen to for eternity, this would be the one. Kate Bush tells a story in full colour here, with the layers of instruments combined with Kate's voice and the voice effects. You can listen to it as a whole and then listen again for a particular aspect of it. Try following the lovely instrument that weaves through the the chorus.

One Week by Barenaked Ladies [YSI link]- This is another in the vein of End of the World, world filling with words. The "action" of the song kicks of in the first second without an instrumental intro and the energy of it doesn't let up. The rap-esque parts are so stream-of-consciousness and unusual that you have no choice but to listen carefully and maybe listen again, because did they really just sing about sushi, the X Files, samurai, Snickers bars and Harrison Ford in under three minutes??

Cloudbursting by Kate Bush [YSI link] - Kate Bush again because if I had to pick one artist whose music fits the bill for "world filling" she'd win hands down. Again, a vivid story with vivid pictures (I hid my yo-yo / In the garden / I can't hide you) and background music that stays in you head as much as the words do.

Drop me a comment if any of these fall off the internet without me noticing.
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