could only happen in fandom

Feb 16, 2006 14:04

Seriously, what is it with fandom and gay penguins?

Here was me thinking the SGA thing had cornered the market for that crack but today I see this House MD cartoon.

A while ago there was that video melding the trailer of Brokeback Mountain with clips from March of the Pegnuins (which I can't for the life of me find the link for, sadly) and I've been linked to the real life story about the Swedish gay penguins at least twice.

*tries to remain serious and fails*

This could only happen in fandom and I love it. :D

And becuase I don't really need an excuse for cute animals things, here's the injured squirrel that was adopted by a pregnant doggy.

ETA: Update on the computer situation - it's aliiiiiive! With new parts and no more electrical tape.


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