Well, it's been quite a week! (Yes I know it's now Monday and therefore technically another week now, but I just haven't had the time to write before!)
Spent every day ('cept Fri) last week working at the stupid shop for insanely long hours, no detail is needed of the time spent there as there could be no more boring a story, honestly.
So by Friday I was absolutely knackered and on my way to LEEDS FESTIVAL!! I've never been to a festival before so I was really excited, and quite terrified if I'm being honest, what with my general dislike of big crowds and lots of noise and my fear of new places, but I swallowed all that because I was getting to see Placebo again! And oh, it was so so so so worth it, they were absolutely amzingly brilliantly wonderful. I thought they were marvellous when I saw them at Blackpool in April, but you can really tell the difference when they aren't ill and would rather be tucked up in bed. Brian was clearly in a good mood, which I'm so grateful for, because that can make suchj a difference, but you gotta love the moody little sod because he just wouldn't be him without his moodswings lol.
We managed to get into the fourth-ish row just after My Chemical Romance came on, my friend is a big fan so she wanted to be near the front to them, but OH MY GOD how much do drunk little 12 year old brats need to die, slowly and horribly, some of them just bombed there way right into us and strated going "wheres the pit? Where's the pit, oh god I'm soooo drunk" *eyeroll* so me and my friend being considerably bigger and more sober than them just pushed them out of the way, it was either that or hit them, and we didn't want to be dragged out by security before the 'bo boys came on. MCR were alright, I'm not a fan, but they seemed pretty tight and really enjoyed themselves and kepty thanking people for coming and saying what an h0onour it was to be there and how they loved England for being the first country to embrace them, which I guess is how Placebo feel about France. My friend did point out that Gerard was watching the Placebo show from the artist's balcony thing along with a substantial number of other people, at the side of the stage, which made me feel really good on behalf of the boys, I don't know why, I guess it's just cause I love it when other people seem to appreciate them as much as I do.
Managed to get into the second row after MCR due to people being pulled out over the barrier and just by all the annoying little brats leaving cause they wanted to go get drunker, urgh shoot them, or me if I ever get stuck in a confined space with them again! So yes, was on about the second row on Brian's side of the stage, we decided it was time for his side after being infront of the god-that-is-Stef in Blackpool. There was only a little person infront of me, althoug she was wearing a hat which I tihn k I knocked a bit when I was jumping around, but she was small so it was all ok, I had a great view of Brian and Alex and Stef on occasions when the crowd shifted slightly. Although Stef was dancing around the stage a lot what with not being confined to a mic like Brian, so I got to see quite a bit of him. And oh my they all looked FINE. Stef was just RAWR *rips his clothes off* Seriously that man is just, just...perfect. So sexy, very smiley and oh god, me wants!!!!! why can't I be a man, and gay *cries*. Brian looked absolutely fuckable as well, I have to say I really like his hair like that, it doesn't bother me in the slightest how long his hair is I think he's always beautiful. ANd his ass looked great in those jeans. my friend was all for jumping onstage and molesting him (I was slightly more fixated on the sight of Stefan pretty much fucking his bass at the time) so I just pointed out a backstage orgy with all of them is the best way to go, whihc she fully agreed to lol.
So yes all of the boys seemed in wicked goods moods, they were smiling at the crowd, making good eye-contact and just seemed very pleased to be there. Think Brian was actually laughing at one point at me and my friend and this guy who was stood infront of us cause we were just so into it and screaming along and bouncing and just generally acting insane, in a loving, happy way of course, and it got us noticed so, always a good thing! Brian kept coming to the edge of the stage when he didn't need to be next to his mic, bringing to mind when I read in an interview that he spends time onstage trtying to remember the lyrics and then watching the people in the crowd, seeing who's laughing or crying, or looking bored and trying not to laugh at them, made me wonder what he really does think about all these people screaming for him and singing along to his songs. He didn't seem bored though which I'm glad about, you see some performances where he could be on auto-pilot, but this definitely wasn't like that *BIG SMILE*
Um, what did they play, hmm, they started off with Infra-red which really got the crowd started and then Meds, Because I Want You was being sung by everyone in the crowd and it was so cute when Stef and Brian were singing the chorus to each other, I couldnt stop smiling! Drag was great too, love that song, and then during Black-eyed Brian started groping himself during the "pleasure zone" line, which set loads of girls off screaming for more, that was amusing lololol.
Song To Say Goodbye was next then I think it was The Bitter End after it, and that was when the crush started lol, everyone knew that song and decided they wanted to be onstage singing it too! Didn't get too badly crushed though, there was still room to move arms, just. They played Every You Every Me, which I was glad about as they didn't play it at Blackpool, and it's always nice to hear every song live at least once. Random but How great would it be to lock them in a room and refuse to let them out till they'd played every song they've ever done, live, just for you *SIGH* cause I know there's going to be loads of songs that I'm never going to hear live even if I'm a fan till my dying day (that was assuming I don't die for many many decades btw). Special K was also on the set list, I do love that song *sigh*. Think it was the break then, and people were looking around confused going "Is that it?" and looking sad, even people who hadn't seemed to be big fans, which made me feel happy that the boys were making such a good impression, after assuring them that no, it definitely wasn't the end, the boys came back on to much applause and started with Running Up That Hill, which has to be one of my fave songs ever ever ever, and so incredible live. Loved it. I was hoping for 20 Years to be on the set-list, but had to make do with a finale of Nancy Boy ( I do like the song, I just know they've done better ones, shame they have to keep playing it really), which was performed with much enthusiasm by the boys, despite the fact I know they they hate it lol. I'm glad they can keep a happy face to please the crowd, it was a brilliant performance though and Stef was dancing around and spinning his bass on the floor at the end, dancing with Bill at one point, and Brian was singin his little heart out and giving it his all. I was so proud of them :):):):):):) They were amazing. Even Steve came out from his drumkit for longer than usual to wave goodbye to the crowd and say thank you, wearing his white trainers of course. Do you think he wore them when he got married? (OMG STEVIE'S MARRIED!!!!!*beaming with happiness, pets his head*)
So that was the end, then came the realy crush, with all the Pearl Jam fans trying to get to the front, people were being hauled out over the front of the barrier, and me and my friend looked behind us and though, shit wearen't getting out of that alive, so I tap the guy who's ended up infront of me and ask him if he could possibly get me out, giving him the big puppy eyed scared look of course, being a girl can come in useful sometimes lol, so he just smiles at me, picks me up without a second thought and hands me to one of the security guys, who starts telling me to pull my legs out of the crowd, 'cept I can't do that cause they're stuck and I don't know where the hell my legs are!!! He of course laughs at me when I poinbt this out, tells me to hold on tight and then just drags me backwards, and yay, my legs dutifully followed! Am very glad they are still attached.
Ended up with no broken bone, no cracked ribs, no bruises to speak of (there's one on my back, but I think that's from work) a little bit of sunburn on my nose and cheeks (never believe the weathermen when they say it's going to be monsoons, they don't know what they're talking about, seriously do they just say rain to cover themselves incase it does, cause it was boiling, and only showered slightly when Slayer was on, the big hairy men made it rain, they scared the weather! lol)
We even managed to find our way back to the station and got on the right train. Was funny, we were on the bus to the station at about 9.30pm and I was absolutely knackered, ready to fall asleep, ok it had been a long long week, but still! For that reason I was glad I wasn't spending the weekend, but i really wish I could've for every other reason, even though Placebo were the only ones I wanted to see, (except the Dresden Dolls, but I didn't get to see them *sobs*, don't ask, it involves too many rides on the Waltzers and no food for all day)
Then I was at work for 9am the next morning till 6pm when I got home, got changed and proceeded to go clubbing, where much drama ensued involving my friend beingdragged out by the bouncers for sitting in the corner crying, thinking she was being dragged out by strange men who were trtying to rape her. Seriously, three huge men grabbed hold of her from behind and start dragging her out, when she's drunk and crying and can't understand what's happening. assholes, she's tiny, absoluetly tiny, like pixie-sized and she hadn't even done anything wrong. We complained obviously and the guy outside was really apologetic and said he'd tell the manager etc (yeah right) but my friend was in a right state by then, so that was a fun way to end an evening.
We went to try and find a taxi when she'd stopped hyperventilating and just panicking in general, and came across this girl sat in a doorway alone and crying, so my drunk friend doesn'y want to leave this girl, who's lost her boyfriend and has no phone and no money, this bit's kind of a blur cause I too was very drunk, but I remember we were going through her bag looking for her phone and I came across something (don't remember what)and said, oh so you like Placebo, and she said no she didn't she loved them, so I in my drunkeness start telling her about the day before at leeds and how brilliant they were lol. I love meeting Placebo fans, especially in such random places. like a woman who was at work on Saturday turned around and told me she was so jealous I'd seen then cause she'd seen them at reading a couple of years ago and she loved them, and I had no idea she was even a fan!! (The drunk girl was fine btw, we found some of her friends and left her with them, turns out her friends went to the same school as us, which was wierd what a small small world it is out there)
And I'm really going to have to go now cause good god I've written a lot, I'm so sorry if anyone's actually reading this, congratulations for making it to the end, you deserve a big big cookie
One regret from festival, not buying more clothes there, the place was like Affleck's Palace,(big building in Manchester selling everything that is alternative) but in a field, and much much bigger