in_parentheses has updated her relationship status to "single" (for those of you not on Facebook). Oh god, it hurts. Three years is a hell of a lot to say goodbye to. It needed to happen, for both of us. We've spent more time "working on our relationship" than enjoying that relationship for awhile now. There's more to it, of course, but... we aren't the ones for each other, as much as we wanted to be. Okay.
If you got to know him over the course of our relationship, know that he cares about you, and that there are no hard feelings anywhere. We will end up friends -- we love each other too much and enjoy each other's company too much not to be. It will just take some time.
Distractions very much welcome. I still have a month of very empty summer to get through. I have my city and my family and my job and more than anything you, my friends, and it will be okay. The difference between now and ten years ago is that I know my life will be okay. It will.