I finally watched the BSG finale last night, with
janet_carter, and my dear friend P who was visiting for the weekend. I studiously avoided all posts on the subject for the last 2 weeks, so if you wrote one, I want to read it now. Point me at it?
As for my thoughts, I don't want to get into a whole review, really, but here's the speedy bullet-point version:
- Too long with too many endings (spooky_thing: "Like Return of the King"). I expected 2 hours rather than 3, so I was exhausted by the end of the damn thing.
- WTF was up with angel/ghost-Starbuck and Imaginary Baltar & Six?
- So, so over the "ta-da, it was... EARTH!" "surprise" ending.
- I do not buy that all of humanity and Cylonity decided to just ditch all their tech and wander into the wilderness. Our heroes, sure, but I bet everyone else would have said, "Screw you! I'd like to be able to purify water and live in a house, thx."
- I'm not even going to get into all the plot holes you could fly a base ship through. This has never been a carefully plotted show; Moore and Eick have repeatedly said (too lazy to find a link) that they prefer to tell good stories and make decisions on the fly about where those stories will go. That's not my prefered story-telling method, but I can deal.
- By and large, I actually enjoyed it. The characters' endings were satisfying -- particularly Baltar and Six, who managed to get away scot-free with almost destroying the human race. I think that's awesome. And you kind of have to respect a finale as trippy as that, in which God, apparently, is a sadistic SOB who wants his creations to lead themselves into a recurring cycle of creation and holocaust (says P), and in the meantime, just wants us to smoke a bowl (says spooky_thing). Dancing robots spell our DOOOOOOM!
And now it occurs to me that it's maybe time to retire this icon.