OOC Information;
Name; Debs!
Personal Journal;
tsunayoshiContact; email: likesnuts@gmail.com || plurk: regalias
Other Characters; peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
IC Information;
Character Name; Sabitsuki
Canon; .flow
Canon Point; Before dropping her effects and entering flow from within flow (FLOWCEPTION?!) and becoming Rust [
.flow wiki]
Age; ~14-16
House; Hel
Power; Shadow Control
Hospitalized from a young age thanks to a terminal illness, Sabitsuki is the polar opposite of "social". She refuses to leave her room, cutting herself off from the outside world and choosing to pass her time in flow, a dream-like state that she enters when using her computer. The bizarre landscapes that her mind constructs while in flow are notably void of other people. When she does come into contact with people in flow, they tend to be threatening presences: a former school mate who lashes out against her, a corrupt doctor, droves of bleeding zombie-like children, and vicious, formerly-human creatures called kaibutsu. Her extreme preference for isolation stems part from these traumatic figures from her subconscious, and in part from the quarantined life she led due to her illness (she frequently envisions herself as
sick and isolated in her dreamscapes: her doppleganger appears alone in an empty hospital room, amongst the zombie children in an isolated corner, floating unconscious in a tube, and wandering alone and hidden in an empty world filled with snow and pollution).
In addition to outside threats, her own body is also cause for alarm to Sabitsuki - understandable, as her diease seems to cause her body to slowly deteriorate. She is almost hyper-aware of her condition, and many of the items (called effects) she discovers in her subconscious further reinforce her preoccupation with her appearance. The "tumbling doll" effect causes her limbs to disappear, leaving her a bloodied trunk, while the "viscera" effect causes her intestines to spill out of her abdomen, and the "machine" effect replaces her legs with machinized stilts. Each of the effects disfigures her or renders her "incomplete", speaking to the manner in which she views herself as similarly "defective".
While much of her life has been defined by her illness, and while she seems intent on denying outside help, Sabitsuki is not the sort of girl to take things lying down. Her heavy use of flow seems to be, in part, an attempt to seek out a cure or a deeper understanding of herself through exploring her subconscious and her past. Even when events that occur in flow cause her physical harm (encountering an especially traumatic event while in flow causes Sabitsuki to cough up blood in the real world), she is undeterred, continuing to sit at a computer desk caked in her own blood. Indeed, the psychological term "flow" from which the game appears to derive its name is defined as "the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus [and] full involvement...".
Sabitsuki is a calm, creative, albeit cynical individual when in her right mind. The landscapes her mind creates while in flow are dreary and occasionally threatening, true, but also speak to a creative mind capable of crafting metaphorical landscapes out of true memories (her memories of the hospital where she spent her childhood, for example, manifest as both a real hospital and as a plant-covered cave filled with bizarre flora and zombie children). These locales are also full of symbols and drawings -- scribblings appear on the walls of abandoned apartments, bizarre art blooms out of the walls of a run-down gallery and an underwater temple, and
Oreko, a small girl who takes up residence in her subconscious can be seen creating a number of complex machines and rooms throughout Sabitsuki's dreamscape. Additionally, one of the most iconic items that Sabitsuki uses is a pair of orange headphones that play music when activated - it's obvious that art and creativity occupy a large part of Sabitsuki's mind. However, she is aware that the world isn't a fair place, and likewise her dreary mindscape reflects this. Regardless of the actual circumstances behind Sabitsuki's experiences in the hospital, or while in school, it's clear that she doesn't view these traditionally safe spaces as safe. Her schoolmates are distant and alienting, the doctors are corrupt, and judging from her current situation, she is far more likely to depend on her own resources than upon the help of others.
Sabitsuki is not physically defenseless, either. She wields a steel pipe during her excursions in flow, and is in no way above attacking others if she so chooses. However, Sabitsuki in and of herself isn't as dangerous as much as she is simply accustomed to dealing with the horrific situations that arise within her own mind. However, her illness has not only taken a toll on her body, but on her mind as well. It is strongly implied that there is "another Sabitsuki" lurking within her subconscious, a personality known as Rust that arose from the mental damage her disease caused. Rust emerges in full force at the end of .flow, after Sabitsuki's current canon point, but it's worth noting that the Rust persona has the ability to influence Sabitsuki's actions in a very real capacity, making her much more aggressive and violent. For example, Smile, the schoolmate whom murders Sabitsuki while she is in flow reappears to Rust, who is able to strike him down without a second thought.
Network Sample;
[The video clicks on to a shot of one of Asgard's maids. You've seen them. They've accosted all you poor, hapless souls who have been brought to this place. She's smiling at the bracelet's owner, wearing red and explaining how to reach Hel's house from the Palace. After she finishes, she looks to the bracelet owner and asks if there are any other questions. The bracelet is repositioned, placed on the owner's shoulder. There's the sound of rustling paper as the owner consults the map]
Oh...uhm. Yes. What's in the library?
[The voice is feminine, quiet and polite albeit somewhat monotone. The maid begins explaining, and the bracelet is moved back to the owner's wrist. For a moment, all is still before the bracelet's owner swings a steel pipe solidly at the maid's head. It connects with a loud THUNK. The maid doesn't seem to notice, and keeps talking. There's a perplexed noise from the owner and she swings again, only to get the same effect. After a moment, the post switches to text mode]
There is something off about this place. People seem to notice when they are struck over the head, but this woman doesn't even flinch. If one can believe her, we are here for an important purpose and we might not be in danger, but this--
[Back to video - another swing at the maid's head before text mode restarts]
--is suspicious. I'm not sure how to feel, being in a place where this--
[Another swing at the maid, then back to text]
--has no meaning. It's something to think about. I don't know how anyone else feels about this place, and I don't really care much. But if you were feeling comfortable, maybe you should reconsider. Something to keep in mind.
Log Sample;
The room isn't hers, and there's something distinctly unsettling about that fact. No cat pillow, no game console, no computer, nothing that was familiar or safe. It's strange, isn't it, how the things she saw in flow somehow felt more familiar than this place.
She stops, flinging herself down on the bed and grabbing for a pillow to bury her face in.
Not that she was being entirely irrational, she thought to herself. The things that she saw in flow were a part of her in some strange, crazy sort of way - this was different. This was completely strange, completely new, completely--
Her hand ran across her torso, and her thoughts were interrupted for a moment.
--And what would become of her here?
Her limbs went limp at her sides, and she let the pillow fall away.
Would she stay sick here? Would she keep deteriorating slowly with no way to fight back? She couldn't swallow a thought like that. Not at all. Not when she could envision the sensation of slowly falling apart, slowly losing her mind before she lost all sense, turned on everyone here. It wasn't concern for them, persay, but more the disgusted feeling in her gut at the idea of becoming something less than herself.
How could she tell? She pressed two fingers to her hips, moved her hand to feel her forehead before she became aware of the pointlessness of it all. She couldn't quite remember how it felt to not be sick, and she let her limbs fall limp again. How annoying, this place was. How unsettling.
Perhaps she'd have a bone to pick with this Hel person.