[Stellar is seen fiddling with the the communicator as she tries to figure out the settings.]
Not this one... must find Ryohei and Helena...
! I think that will work...
Helena...! Stellar has your Christmas present for you...!
But it's a little late...
Stellar didn't know where your room was... Can I drop it off?
Ryohei, you've never been to space, right? Stellar found a present you might like from my world!
Stellar thinks it's a little late...
...Oh, Stellar couldn't remember which room yours was... Can Stellar find you?
[OOC:Finally Stellar understands what Christmas is~ So in her lateness for post festive season, she has gotten Helena a sketchbook that has a cover of an ocean shot with a cute little bracelet like her necklace but with a blue piece of shell instead of pink, at the price of her memories of Auel and Sting. And for Ryohei, she has gotten him a harmless small scale model of
this, it changes from original to quadruped mode, at the price of her memories of Neo. Sadly it's post Christmas so she may never regain those memories of those people... Price to pay for lateness orz; ]