Apr 10, 2008 22:16
another good two days. yesterday i chilled at home of course keeping things clean, vaccuming is really easy and FUN i've come to realize. i love vaccuming. listened to 1984 on audiobook instead of reading it online. audiobook doesn't work too much for me cause i don't have that concentration ability. cleaned out the fridge while nat cooked her dinner, cooked mine for the first time in a long time!! it was cool. chilled then ray came over as promised. we had got in a fight the night before and it was crazy.. it ended by him calling me back and apologizing. just straight up apologized. i was still mad, but i told him i REALLY appreciated it. it was amazing though. so we just laid in my bed and talked about stuff. really talked. it was nice.
today lamat called me to go to class and i was like frick cause i missed all my alarms. i had stayed up till 5am playing minesweeper. X_X. MY LIFE. i was rushing and as i ran downstairs she came in! how exciting. so we got to go to class together. animal rights. a class i had dropped last year because of the sensitive subject. but i know i need to find myself more and learn what i think about things. we both were eating yogurt on the way there and i we were both like oh gawd my life. hopefully this starts some new veganism back into me.
know a lotta people in the class, def not the hot dudes that were in that class last year, bummer. but yeah, two girls i knew from first year, and hannah (bummer) and her really sweet friend hana. but yeah maybe it's meant to be for hannah to be in my class. to somehow learn to accept her as a person and extend friendship even if she is pretty retarded. so yeah class was cool, adding the class was a breeze. participation is going to be a bitch though. guess i'm going to HAVE to learn how to formulate my own opinion and voice it. so simple but a challenge for me personally!
class with lamat is so legit. and fun. and it's a tight topic so i hope to grow and learn and expand mahbadself. after class we chilled, here and there and everywhere and i played more minesweeper on her computer. oh lordy. finally went to venice beach with lamat her mom and yasmeen. it was funnn. good looking people, DIFFERENT people, nice people. ahh. some funny funny dude on some crazy sort of skates and an electric guitar serenaded me as we were walking back it was funny, cute, and very awkward. he was super cool though. i bled straight through my pants in three places so attempted to use the toilets there. too bad every single one had at least two pigeons in it and i couldn't get them to get out, and i screamed multiple times cause they kept tricking me into thinking they weren't in there until i closed the stall doors. haha so fun.
showered the nastiness away and now i'm drowsy. time for dinner time snack MMM FOOD. YOGA TOMORROW i love life.