Title: Resident Evil 5
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: Leon returns home after the events in Spain in hopes of getting in touch again with old friends, desperate to try and live a normal life for a change. His mission: to find an old flame that never quite lit up. But instead Leon himself wishing he had flames to light up the bodies as they hit the ground yet again.
Leon Scott Kennedy couldn’t believe his luck. You’d think that going through one terrifying, life altering event would be the first and final one of its kind in someone’s life. Apparently, someone with a hell of a lot of power in heaven decided differently. Leon was baffled by the fact that he had managed to survive the events of Raccoon City. As time passed and flashbacks of the undead walking became less frequent in his mind, Leon managed to pick up the pieces that had become of his life and move on, though he never truly forgot what went down in that city. Years later, Leon found himself leading a new life, and, for the first time in years, it was actually a normal one. Well, as normal as life as a U.S. Government agent could get. The thought of having come face to face with an army of mindless, angry villagers with a hunger to kill had never crossed his mind as something he’d live to see. And yet…it was. Leon couldn’t think of what was worse; the horror he had seen in Spain, or the cannibalism and death he had seen back in Raccoon City. The President was so worried about his daughter’s wellbeing, that he took time out of his busy schedule to meet up with Leon in Portugal, where he took Ashley home instantly. Before the President left, he gave Leon time off after hearing about all the terrifying situations he had had to go through. Leon was grateful, and although he had second thoughts about taking time off in fear of his coworkers thinking less of him, he had some unfinished business that he felt he had to take care of. He got on the first plane headed towards the United States, and planned out his next moves.
His blue eyes looked out of the plane window he was sitting beside. All he could see was white as they flew above the clouds. He kept replaying in his mind what he was going to do when they landed. There wasn’t much that Leon Kennedy regretted in his life, but as the years went by, he found himself always coming back to one thing. After surviving Raccoon City, Leon found a certain person was constantly on his mind. The fact that he was face to face with death constantly that night made him realize how short life can be. But before he was able to tell her, she broke the news that she was leaving to find her older brother, Chris Redfield. The part he regretted about that was that he never got the chance to tell her how he felt about her. Before he knew it, she was gone. Shortly after her departing, he got a message from her telling him that she was in trouble. Immediately, he got in contact with Chris and told him about his little sister’s situation. Leon wanted to go with Chris to the island to help her out, but Chris refused the extra help, saying he had to leave immediately and couldn’t wait around for him. Leon tried to forget about her. He had dated several girls as an attempt to forget about her big blue eyes and auburn hair tied up in a messy ponytail, but none of them could get his mind away from her. As his career grew bigger, he had less and less free time to try and get in contact with her. And before he knew it, he was off to Spain on a mission. What happened there was what finalized the deal. He was lucky enough to get out of Raccoon City with his life, only to find that years later he was doing the same thing all over again. Although he was a highly skilled and trained officer of the U.S. government, there were many times Leon had come too close for comfort with death, and he didn’t know how many more times he would be able to cheat it. So he was off to do something that he had been thinking about doing for so long. He was going to go see Claire Redfield.
Over the years, he never really kept in touch with the survivors of Raccoon City, though he still had everyone’s phone numbers on his cell phone. He and Chris used to go out once in a while and have a couple of beers while watching the game, but as Leon moved up in the company, he found he couldn’t see Chris as often as he wanted to. The last thing he remembered talking to Chris about was the fact that he and Jill had finally become a couple. They had survived the Spencer Mansion together, and although what they saw haunted them long after the events had unfolded, it was something that they were able to bond over. The dependence on one another to keep the other safe brought them closer to each other in a shorter time than anything that ever happened to them in the past had. Leon couldn’t help but wonder if the couple had managed to last after all these years. He let out a small sigh when his mind began wondering about Claire. What if she had met someone? What if she was in love and didn’t want anything to do with Leon? He cursed himself for letting the thought come into his mind, but it was possible. After all, why would she sit around and wait for something that was never guaranteed to happen in the first place?
A ding went off above Leon, distracting him from his thoughts. He heard the pilot’s voice coming from the speaker, telling the passengers that they were about to land. Leon had his plan of action all ready to go; all he had to do was get off this plane. He was going to drop all his stuff off at home, have a quick shower, and then try to get a hold of Claire. It had been so long since he had even heard her voice, but he never forgot the sound of it for a second. He was longing to hear it in his ears once again, and to see the smile that he missed so much. Before long, everyone was getting off the plane.
Leon looked around the airport as he tried to find his way to the exit. While his eyes were scanning the area, he heard a lot of commotion coming from near the exit. Curious, he made his way towards it, dodging the crowds of people that all seemed to be in a hurry.
“Calm down, sir!” One of the police officers shouted over the man’s groaning and moaning.
Leon scoffed to himself. It sounded like a drunken guy had stumbled into the airport. Nothing he hasn’t encountered before. But as the moans continued, he found that it all sounded too familiar. And then he felt it; a chill that ran up his spine. One of the police officers let out an agonizing scream as he fell on his back, the drunken man falling on top of him. Leon watched in horror as the man took a huge chunk out of the officer’s throat. Leon’s entire body went into panic mode as he watched the familiar site, getting a flashback of what happened many years ago on his first day on the job. Another officer tried to grab a hold of the man and pull him off his coworker, while the others told people to leave the area immediately. The man turned around and attacked the other officer, pushing him down onto the ground as well. The other officers had no choice but to withdraw their guns and shoot the man in an attempt to stop him. One bullet rang out over the screams of innocent civilians as they watched and ran in horror from the site before them. The man barely even flinched from the bullet. Confused, the officer pulled the trigger again. Seconds after the second bullet rang out, the first officers jumped up from the ground and began attacking the other two that were around him.
She had heard all the commotion from the other end of the airport. She didn’t concern herself with it until she heard gunshots ring out. Still pulling her suitcase behind her, she walked against the flow of running people and headed towards where the gunshots had been fired. When she got there, she instantly stopped dead in her tracks. She knew exactly what was going on, but she had trouble believing it. She watched as what used to be people finished feasting on the officers before turning their attention to the fresh meat that was elsewhere. Her grip on her suitcase loosened and it fell behind her as one of them looked at her. She was paralyzed with fear. Never in her wildest dreams would she have ever thought that she would encounter those hideous, devilish creatures again. One of them headed towards her, but a single bullet through its temple stopped it dead in its tracks. She looked up at who had stopped it, and saw him running towards her. They took one look into each other’s eyes, and the entire world around them seemed to melt away. Well, it would have if they hadn’t met in such bad circumstances.
“Come on.” He told her as he grabbed a hold of her wrist and pulled her to another exit.
The site of people running around screaming and crying frantically only brought back bad memories of what was no doubt going to happen next. They were multiplying in numbers far too fast for Leon to try and kill them all. He didn’t have enough ammunition in his standard government handgun to try and kill all of them. His best bet was to get out of the building as fast as possible. They didn’t turn around as they darted past all the people, but they could hear the agony in people’s voices behind them as they were being ripped apart.
The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky when they emerged from the crowded, distressed airport. He looked down at the woman who stood before him, unable to believe his unreal luck.
“Claire, what the hell is going on?” He asked her.
“I don’t know. Come on, I parked my motorcycle in the parking lot over there. We gotta get out of here!” She told him quickly, before grabbing a hold of his wrist, leading him through the crowd of people that had found their way outside.
Everyone thought they were safe behind the thin doors that separated them from those who were attacking people. Little did they know, the only thing that made them safe was a bullet to the head of the undead.