
Jun 10, 2005 04:02

jus g0t back fr0m cheer camp. t0morr0w is the last day :'( its s0 fun i d0nt want it t0 end! 0MG i was thr0wing back tucks t0day GOO ME! give me a A-...A give me a L-...L give me a y-...Y give me an S-...S give me an0ther S-... S give me an A-..A what d0es that stand f0r?! the m0st c0olest pers0n alive! w0ot w0ot!

0KKAYY n0w that thats 0ver with--yesterday was fun. i went t0 my b0yfriends and we watched n0p0lean dynamite then manny and i went in2 ericks r0om and i watched them play s0ccer. fun. then---i signed his cast and it was time t0 leave.

we t0ok "s0 icy" h0me and then back t0 my h0use we came! my m0m let us sleep in her r0om last nite inside 0f being kicked 0ut 0n the c0uch again l0l. i talked 0n el telef0ne c0n manuel f0r a little while then i t0ld him i wanted t0 g0 t0 sleep bkuz im always s0 tired in the m0rning f0r cheer camp.

i w0ke up--t0ok a sh0wer and get rede f0r cheer camp-DAY 4. JV is s00o g0od rele and were all b0ndign s0o darn well! lma0 i feel like such a ....CHEERLEADER! anywh0, im d0ing b0ttle r0ckets and were tryign a kick full d0wn basket but its rele hard and im afriad im g0nna kn0ck s0me0ne 0ut. which reminds me im supp0sed t0 practice 0n my tramp. that dirty wh0re. after lunch i was thr0wing tucks! i was s0o happy! and i learned h0w t0 ride yesterday s0 its like i actually feel like im advancing! 0oh and my c0ach is the c0ach f0r pride i thybnk its called--an all-star team and i want t0 ask her if i can please j0in! try 0uts are june 16 i believe..? im n0t sure but 0mg that wud be s0o0o fun! they want danielle t0 j0in t0 i thynk! w0ot!

well my dad picked me up, i came h0me and made easy mac--that shyt is the b0ommmbb diggity! l0l and n0w im ab0ut t0 take a LOVELY HOT sh0wer and freshen up...well maybe in an h0ur ima take a nap and then sh0wer and get rede t0 g0 0ut t0night and PPARRTTAAYY. YEAH RIGHT...to bad this summer sucks and there is noo parr-tayy-ing whats so ever! ugh. ive gained m0re wieght g0ing 0ut then sitting h0me and thats pretty bad. 0kay nap time..bye.
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