Title: Herbology 101
Characters or Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word Count: 109, but it's my first drabble, so that's not bad.
Warnings: Snark? Is that a warning?
Challenge: #225, Damask Rose, Lupin100
Author's Notes: The first line or so is quoted from Wikipedia. That's not a GREAT way to start a fic, but do read and, hopefully, enjoy!
“Rosa Damascena, commonly known as the Damask rose, sometimes as the Rose of Castile, is a rose hybrid, derived from….”
“I don’t need a lesson in the plant’s geneology, Severus, it was just a gift.” Remus crossed his arms a bit huffily, brow raised.
“And I didn’t ask you for a flower, did I?” He held the flower out to Remus, brow raised. “Find something a little more valuable with which to woo me.”
An arm wrapping around Severus’ waist made him jump, but his glare didn’t falter. Remus stared back at him a quick second before grinning. “Stop being such a fussy little bitch and kiss me already.”