I think the loss that has most impacted my life was the death of my half-brother, Aubrey. He had been out for a late-night walk in mid-winter of 1998 when a drunken driver ripped around a corner, and spun out of control. Aubrey was pinned between the vehicle, and a large tree. They said he was almost cut entirely in half, but the worst part of it was that he survived. They believe he could feel everything, but no one was ever certain as Aubrey had slipped into a coma. He was comatose for six days before he died.
He passed January 12th, 1998. It was supposed to have been his 22nd birthday.
Aubrey and I had been very, very close. We were best friends, really, and I don't think I would have ever been able to cope with his death if a friend hadn't introduced me to the music of
Sarah McLachlan. It helped me deal with each emotion I felt as I grieved. Anger, regret, sadness, and an overwhelming emptiness that I couldn't describe to you now if I tried.