Title: Day 1
isabelquinnFandom: Lost
Characters: James "Sawyer" Ford
Rating: PG
Spoiler Alert: None. As the title implies, it's set during the pilot.
Summary: Sawyer knows he's no hero.
Author's note: Written for
lost_in_108, with the prompt Throw. It's time to finally bite the bullet and attempt writing Sawyer-voice. Had to try it at some point!
He's been here for hours and the sand feels like a second damn skin. He'd wanted to go inland a little, but then that crazy noise had happened (what the hell was it?) so he ditches them all for the water's edge instead. Throws bits of airplane into the ocean.
The others scurry round like some kinda ant colony, everyone desperate to be heroic. Signal fires. Oceanic lasagna. Ignorin' all the corpses. Tryin' to fix some poor sonuvabitch with shrapnel in his chest, not dead yet but as good as.
He ain't no hero but he ain't dead either, and it's the second one that's leavin' him gutted.