Nov 05, 2008 21:19
"I am not the president of The blue states. I Am not the presidant of the red States.. I am the president of the UNITED states of america. And together, we can change the world we live in.. YES WE CAN!"
WHAT change is he tryin to bring to us?? hes trying to pull us outta the fucking hole BUSH got us into... hes trying to get our troops home, cause so many of us miss them... hes trying to save us...
fuck everyone who has said "im leaving the country because obama"
and if you said "no he shouldnt win" because:
1- "hes muslim" learn your facts, christianity is not much different then islam and our country is based on the idea of freedom of religion even if he is muslim who cares?.. but no its ok to be just disregared everything our country is based on
2- "hes black" just straight up shoot yourself. saying he cant be president because hes black is the worst excuse ever..
3- "hes socialist" if he was a socialist, his ideas wouldnt be democratic you dumb chode nuggets. most of you probably dont even know what socialism is or how it works.
4- "hes a terrorist" along with #1. not all muslims are terrorists. only the stupid extremists which are doing the exact same thing as the extreme catholics and protestants in ireland.
and who said he was a muslim in the first place?
5- "he wants to end the war" and if you like this war to continue im going to assume you also like seeing tons of people die cause bush is tryna impress his daddy...
AND: He's not a liar.
He sees the middle road
On just about every importanat issue
That has been presented to him,
Which means he is the most apt
To do well in office.
Abortion, even though it is wrong,
Is a choice that should be made
By the mother and the father..
Not the President.
Think of how bad our Economy is thus far;
Now would you really want McCain to run
This country?
McCain fully supported Bush..
And look at how Bush turned out.
so in my closing conclusion: the country cant get much worse.. and its not even HIM who runs the country... its the CONGRESS... he just gets to live in a big pretty house... so shut up people...