Aug 09, 2004 18:53

thursday - went down the shore .. don`t remember anything but me and some other people played some truth of dare .. haha it was so funny

friday - hung out with pPl and stuff and swam and i perfected my dive .. yay -- took a shower = D me, katie, keri, madison, kelly, and michaela got all "prettied up" haha we looked HOT lmao keri did my hair all spice-girl like then i took it out . fun times -- i got in trouble again for something? and all these stupid "ADULTS" were at my trailer playing poker until like 3 in the AM and i didn`t get much sleep .. i was sickkk

saturday - my aunt and uncle`s car got stolen by jimmy [( stupid bastard )] and they`re probally not gonna get in back .. i`m pissed cause my CD was in there grrrrr i loved it ! me, katie and all walked up to lenape cause we were bored & i got a phone call from my shit fuck .. we went swimming then shit fuck picked my up and we went bowling -- i can put my fingers in the ball now .. i`m proud of myself .. it was fun then at like 7 i was gettin on the firetruck and i had my GLASS snapple bottle in my pocket and it broke and i got glass above my knee and it was bleeding bad and i didn`t know it cause i was laughing then i skipped to my trailer, sat down, looked at it, started crying and couldn`t stop .. like everyone got medical kits or w/e they are called and Dr.Bling Bling aka my uncle tim and my daddy fixed me all up .. sort of .. they were gonna take me to the hospital cause they didn`t know if i needed stitches of not but they didn`t . thank the lord .. i almost passed out a few times but i was okay cause i had my katie and john<333 right by my side .. i have to go to the doc`s wednesday to make sure i don`t need stitched -- after that i wasn`t allowd out so i had people over and stuff then i made tuna !

sunday - i was supossed to go to this thing with kate but i wasn`t allowd cause of my leg . i`m not allowd to go swimming with it .. i got to hang out with E J and screech . they`re the bestest haha okay my day was boring

today - I`M OFF MY DIET !! woke up .. went outside did stuff .. ordered pizza and fries .. delicious cause i die-ing for but i`m full and feel fat as hell .. i took a nap then aroud 6:3o i got home from the shore .. i`m probally gonna hang out with sall when she wakes up . but idk .. i think i`m gonna diet again and exercise ALOT MORE or just stop eating .. w/e one works best = ( GRRRR -- i<3john . bye !
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