I'd been looking into the scientology "personality quiz" (apparently nobody can come up happy in it, which is a little obvious/lame) and then got distracted by the jungian ones. Results:
INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI) Which I think describes me pretty well. Not that it has any impact whatsoever on my life, and was more to distract from a distinct lack of desire to do anything non-laptop-related.
Life for me is... weird, atm. I've finished my work in York, just as Ben's gone and moved there so as to dig (there was one week of overlap, which was nice, cos we had lunch together, but then was also annoying, cos I'd meet up with them when they were done, but they weren't done til 5, so I ended up catching like the 7:04 train and not getting home til almost 9)... the awful loud housemate I had moved out (thank toast)and I think the french guy did too, which is sad, cos I'd grown to like Vincent ("vin-saaan't)...
I think I've just hit a wall of apathy. I've been pretty apathetic about a lot of things this year (most notably boys) but now it's crept into my dissertation as well. I have to say, I feel equally un-strongly about writing this chapter of my dissertation, being in a relationship with Ben, and killing myself with a handgun. I dunno, it's weird. Prolly not worth it to explain.
I think it's my little brother's birthday this week, but I don't have acess to SASI (obviously) so I can't check, nor can I get his adress to send him anything. Boo for this! He seems to be doing... better? Decently enough, for him. He doesn't want to kill himself over some girl, as far as I could tell from our last online conversation (Monday), which I think is an improvement for him.
rm... not much else. Meeting Ben's parents this weekend (we were meant to go to his brother's uni graduation on Monday, but they got their exam results today [which is lame, stupid uk unis] aaaaaaaaaaaand he's not graduating. So, Ben's rents are coming to York for the weekend, and since I was going on Friday anyway, I'll meet them then). I'm all nervouse. I'mma go look for dresses in the mall tomorrow, and to my parents' chagrin buy one if it looks cute and makes me look less than insane. I'm also going to redo my hair tomorrow. And maybe stop by uni to pick up my year's results (and Ben and Oli's)... bah to having to be up early. And by early I mean before 1:30pm, when I got up today.
I constantly feel like I should be doing a lot more, for some cause or other... like there should be some kind of group or society or charity that consumes my daily thoughts. Landmines or phonics or blankets or female circumscision or free speech or gay rights or native rights or biological conservation or dental benefits or the human organs trade or drug legalization or green anarchy... and what do I do? Read 4 newspapers a day (the Daily Telegraph, Slate, The Guardian and the SF Chronicle), eat lots of food, and think about the animal bones people 1200 years ago threw into their trash heap.