May 09, 2017 17:58
I remember it was some Friday evening in the mid-eighties (fall or spring - we were wearing coats (I'm tall and i had this long black thick coat that went past my knees. i loved that coat.)(also, interesting side note, i use gboard to type this. you can get it for free from the play store. anyhow, across the top of the keyboard pop up suggested words based on what your typing. in theroy, to speed up the process. so, anyways, waaaaaaaaay back at the beginning of this aside, i typed the word "thick" and the only suggestion i got after that while typing coat, was cock.)) and I was at Devonshire mall (yet another uninteresting side note, Devon Shire was the name some 80s pornstar used. she had great nipples) w/some friends. we'd probably just seen or were about to see some multiplex time waster.
and there she was. a flash of Bright red hair, pale slightly freckled skin. i didn't know who she was but in my eyes she was a dead ringer for Molly Ringwald.