So yesterday i went ta photo club and kelsey came. it was good, the others didn't have to deal with me at all since my lover was there. We climbed a tree, she got stuck. Then we took the later bus home with all the hawties from card club. heh.
So anyways, got in a huge fight with the ma and pa when i got home. They blocked me off of the computer and banned livejournal completely from the computer, end of story. bitches. now the only place i can update is at school. i hate them!
..... so okay, so maybe there's worse things they could have done. i still hate them. look at all this teen angst!
So im in commercial art making a print. its annoying. I'm making a logo for the school: Sanborn Sloths mutha fucka.
Wow, I just started every small paragraph with the word so. And I'm wicked lame for pointing that out.
Anyways, the show saturday night is gonna be a-may-zing. I think Erin and Kristin are going! And other people. The Sad is gonna be "off the hook" as the cool kids would say. I'm excited to see the minus scale and fairmont.. and of cours BREAKING TRADITION. haha, yay katie!
Christmas shopping thursday night, I have no clue what the fuck to get anyone. I'll just make educated guesses. I think I know what I'll get fo francis anyway. She's my wife- I know her better than the back of my hand (which I don't know as well as most people would assume.)
yay. im done. well, here's some pics from photo club yesterday. but i played with the saturation. so now they remind me of angela anaconda! hizza to anyone who remembers that show.
that was me being a birdie. and the one above that is my lover when she got stuck in the tree.
well i iz lyke totally oh em geez ow-ut.
peaceout cubscouts.