Just finished listening to "Young Love", the incredibly subtle and nuanced new track from Elisa Jordana.
thejumpcut is still lying on my bedroom floor howling, and I have ACTUAL TEARS OF MIRTH in my eyes. I thought I might have an issue with the old embarrassment squick, but actually all it did was trip my "bitch, please" censor.
ETA: Does anyone know when the phrase "in the closet" became a thing? I realize this sounds like a fairly severe left turn at Albuquerque, but it's an actual serious question. We've now moved on to the Michael Jackson sing-along portion of the evening (because it is AWESOME when the aliens stay out late), and I had totally forgotten that hilariously terrible song from Dangerous that's all "don't hide our love, woman to man" with whispered preludes and God knows what else that is actually called "In The Closet". Um...dude, if you've got a girl in there with you, UR DOIN IT WRONG. Just sayin'. But yeah. R. Kelly clearly had no excuse, but MJ...might have? If it didn't mean what we think it means at the time?
Also, how hilarious is it that he's considered so universally awesome, at least musically, even though SO MUCH of his stuff is such unbelievable crap? Case in point: Every. Single. Song. on Dangerous has the same wacky effect in it, and IT WAS ONLY VAGUELY ACCEPTABLE THE FIRST TIME. And yet. AND YET. He's like a lazy susan of trendy - some part of his catalog is always, always in style. HOW SUCH POWERFUL VOODOO, MJ?
Son of ETA: Now
thejumpcut is rapping along. How SO AWESOME, bb?