Fic || [Doctor Who] || Planet of the Killer Scarves

Jan 19, 2010 22:07

Fandom: Doctor Who
Title: Planet of the Killer Scarves
Characters: Donna Noble, The Doctor (Ten)
Rating: PG for psychopathic scarves
Disclaimer: Still not mine!
Beta: None (proofread by myfloralbonnet).
Prompt: Doctor Who, Doctor/Donna, thank-you gifts work better when they don't try to kill you - comment_fic
Word count: 169
Summary: Crack!filled fun with scarves.

(That doesn't sound right).

"Doctor!" Donna shouted from across the console room.

The Doctor looked up hurriedly from where he stood next to the console. "What is it?"

"This scarf tried to kill me." She answered as she strode towards him.

He scrunched up his nose. "What?”

"This scarf tried to kill me." Donna repeated slowly. She waved the offending garment in his face while she held it as far away from her body as she could. "One minute, I'm trying it on, the next minute it's trying to choke the life out of me. Where'd you get this, the planet of the psychopathic scarves?"

"Ah, um-" He answered as he thought. He didn't actually know.

"Yeah, well, thanks but no thanks." She dropped the scarf on the console then turned on heel. Donna waved a hand behind her as she left. She shouted over her shoulder. "Next time you try to say thanks, try getting a girl something a little less dangerous, yeah?"

The Doctor frowned then eyed the scarf nervously. "Right.”

fandom: doctor who, genre: gen, rating: pg, length: drabble-ish

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