nadia inspired me to blog today. give her a high five

Jun 04, 2007 22:45

taken from my ND lil sis:

"The pirates graduated. That means my little sisters are next. I'm a bit nervous for them because, when I talk to some of them, they're so excited to leave. I'm nervous because, well... They shouldn't want to leave."

pirates? not the johnny depp kind, silly....
so, at my high school, we all have mascots for the individual classes at ND. i was class of 2004 - we were the dragons, hurrah.
(although i didnt really like it at first because the seniors at the time that had recently graduated were dragons and i felt like US being dragons was just a blatant show of lack of effort/imagination. i wanted to be the flamingos, personally, but whatever.)

anyways. what got me is that the wee little pirates ( who were FRESHMEN when i was a SENIOR in high school) and the class below them are so ready to leave, and that in retrospect, they shouldnt want to.

and i feel like nadia's right, they shouldnt want to leave. i'm getting scared the people are growing up too fast without the experience/lessons/smarts to really know what they're doing/thinking. if that makes any sense at all. i myself still feel like a twelve year old sometimes, and more and more i feel like an old cranky lady when i see teenagers acting stupid. (and then i get weirded out when i call people 'teenagers' as an exclusive group - a group that i'm not a part of anymore)

and yes, granted, when i was a senior i wanted to get the hell out of ND but i really did miss it after and during the whole leaving process.

i suppose this just contributes to my whole feeling older, hopefully wiser, general feeling of growth--but it sure is a mind fuck to think that people are growing up, moving on, and going places. And i'm sure the people that have gone before and are older are thinking the same about me.

maybe it's that life move a lot slower in the first-person point of view, but when you're watching someone else, it seems lightning-fast. I guess if i think about it, 21 years is a long time, and the fact that (hopefully) not even half my life is over makes it seem like a really, long-ass time. but everything--college, most recently--is just going so fast that i find myself thinking that, wow, you know what, i never really gave any thought to what was ahead. just like the one day that ainslie and i looked at each other, realizing that she will be twenty-two this year, and saying, oh, hey....we never planned anything beyond us turing twenty-one.

apparently (to me) turing twenty one is the last thing that you think about as a adolescent. I'm going to get out of elementary school and go to high school... and drive, and go out more....and then i'm going to college, and moving out of my house, .. and getting a house of my own (!!!) that my parents dont live in....and then i have an independent life, and independent relationships from my family...and now here i am and what the hell am i going to do with my life?

but right now, fuck...finals.
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