zomg, prompts! \o/

Jan 29, 2009 11:52

general_jinjur and I would like to thank everyone for the prompts we've already received. We're not even halfway through the prompt period, and we already have over 160. It's been so much fun seeing what you've come up with. We know there's lots more in your wonderful brains, so keep them coming! We're accepting prompts through February 4th at the prompt post:


Remember that the prompts are idea sharing, but if you come up with something that doesn't get listed, that's okay, too.

Also, the Appellathon is a thingathon, so when you're thinking about what to post in March, remember that you're not limited to fic. Any and all fanworks are welcome, from fic to vids to fan art to manips to icons to podfic to whatever you come up with (srsly. Stick some sock puppet interpretive dance up on YouTube if you can make it work with a name connection between two or more fandoms. We'd fall over from the awesome, especially as I'm really into sock puppets right now. Not sure why beyond Sifl & Olly nostalgia. Anyone come up with a Chester prompt yet? Precious Roy? But I digress). If you'd like someone to try a specific kind of fanwork for your idea, feel free to note that in your prompt.

Thank you all for rocking so hardcore!

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