
Mar 07, 2006 12:49

after a week of stillness, i have moved into moving again....

on friday i went home to peterborough which was SO nice as i saw my niece and nephew and my mum was flying to trinidad (luckkky) the next day so it was overall a good experience. got up on saturday and me and the boys drove to barnspey for our gig - was SO much fun, ended up in morrisons getting evil/strange looks and having a cup of tea that was only 62p!!!!! it's so pretty in the north, i forgot how -- our b&b was awesome, fove of us all in a big room, until it became 6 of us and i realised not everyone would want to go to sleep and BE QUIET at the same time. the gig itself was ok, we were all quite tipsy, olly got called a poof which was expected to be honest, we all got called southern bastards - also expected, and the band went down like a lead balloon - well, until we checked the internet - we are loved by the ladies. oh yes. dave and skye and lauren came too which was so great as i didn't think they would and it was good to see some friendly faces!! though the people in the north of our fair isle ARE really friendly - john did well for himself!

so i ended up spending the next day waking up in the now not so great b&b, at 8.45am (we went to bed around 5) and olly dropped me and alex shandy (the 6th male) into tarn where we met some friendly pikeys and walked around a bit until we found the station. i went to meadowhall!!! like queensgate but less atmosphere/bigger/more aggressive people. didn't buy owt this weekend but have adopted bad northern accent to my alex's amusement. then met skye in boots where we purchased cleansing products and plasters for his little hooves. we somehow ended up in costaabbeynational???????? some good shit though - i put my makeup on my haggard face and he read attitude (preston!) david soon came along with his new camera and lovely sen (haha), had a nice walk - the winter gardens and the fountain my highlights! if only it wasnt so windy and cold in sheffield, i'd quite like it.. then big al came and picked me up and his mum was all lovely and we slept lots (thank god) - so nice.
monday was even better, he met my stepdad which was quite a big thing for me but i don't think he fully realised that as i really don't introduce people just like that - i think it went well. got back to london in a rush carrying a huge amount of stuff from somewhere??
ran to klaxons with john in tow - managed to catch only the last 30seconds which was rubbish, esp. as the were followed by the mediocre shitdisco so we decided to drink... and drink... and drink.
john and alex together are a bad combination... we all got SO drunk ended up in trash with klaxons and their neu x crew, talking shit to god knows how many people and quite enjoying our drunk selves.
end up in some horrible chinese restaurant in china town, taxi home. shower, to bed.

NEW YORK on wednesday, can't wait! (wish me luck!!)

just read david and skye's posts, both made me smile/laugh. love those boys xxxxxxxx

i love you. am going to get you something ACE from NYC x
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