new dresses, christmas.winter excesses

Dec 09, 2005 11:56

so, it's been a while. i've been shopping a lot recently, healing the cut on my soul. dresses dresses no money more money a couple more dresses!

i can't really remember what i've been up to, though i know it has involved a bit of angst, an essay, and a trip back to peterborough//

me, ishita and some of the boys went to an all you can eat and all you can drink in finny p last friday night. needless to say we got absolutely wasted then wobbled off to soho to nadia's pyrrha's 21st birthday party. obviously so drunk that i highly annoyed faris with my drunkeness, nadia and i decided to do shots, - while i lost ishita. she had her own adventure wandering around soho with some boy who claimed he knew me and they ended up walking to london bridge. i ended up outside in the slight drizzle slumped against a lamp post with my darling nick looking after me. he took me to tatty bogle's and was all round lovely and amazing that night.
the next morning, i felt like dying but
ishita came with me to peterborough.
we ate for two days, then she went and i stayed an extra day
i felt really happy to go home, and see all my family
the house is a total building site though - !

my love life is still as barren as a fenland field, but i'm not caring about that this week *for once*
really looking forward to the work christmas party. NEW DRESS THAT I CAN WEAR!

played a gig last night after THE MOST HORRIFIC JOURNEY EVER . it took me 2 hours to go twenty minutes away, squashed next to all the fancy commuters from canary wharf. some of those guys in suits are lovely looking, mmm. rude fuckers strung up in suits most of them though. *sigh* ooh, i'm never going to meet and marry someone rich and handsome and ambitious from The City - i go to goldsmiths and i'm a bit of a loser myself. I'll get married to some sad old indie kid and we'll sit in night after night cus we've got no money to do anything and listen to 'records' and not go on holiday


ishita says that i'll meet someone from the City if it's meant to be. I think it's just a passing phase. I don't think i want a City boy really. Maybe once! I'm totally going to go to canary wharf shopping centre soon, though.

so yeah, the gig. i got changed in a horrible toilet that was as big as i am across, then we played almost straight away and i was still so stressed from my journey, so i was shit and played wrong but i don't care, though all the boys told me off for not caring and that i have to practice blah blah blah.

we are playing the fierce panda night on tuesday with the ivories and chineapples and i need to learn my parts, hee. i think we are meeting a lawyer on monday (????). all this stuff really confuses me. i'm not sure if music is the career path i want to follow?? fierce panda might put our single out.. ok, so maybe it is. you have to work really hard though - and for what?! it's just cus i've had lots of work to do.. i have a major coursework essay to do in the next 2 days. oh my god, 2 days...... i get so stressed and over worked-feeling and anxious//

i think
maybe i just want to stand
in the dark outside the back of greenwich picturehouse
stood close to martin
and him stood close to me
looking at the moon and
talking about the moon
and cats and birds
and him giving me a really lovely hug
and it feeling really nice all wrapped up
in scarves and arms and woolly coats


ok ok i need to work work work now, so this could get updated a few times more, boredom striking often. i do have the most yummy food to keep me going though, AND VV has gone back to india, to go to delhi and GOOOAAAA
lucky moose.
sunshine in a bottle, please
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