Ah Prison Break, the salve for a tired, disgruntled working girl's soul after a long Monday...
1) Mahone/Pam scene. Tear-jerker.
2) Sara/Mahone scenes. More please.
3) I am so loving all the little sweet and tender moments between Michael and Sara. There is definitely an understanding and an intimacy there on a whole other level than we've seen before, and these two actors play the subtleties of the relationship brilliantly. That said, I would also really love to see some ZOMG HOT *zing* SEX!now scenes (maybe just one, pretty please?) I'm talking about some raw passion. Am willing to be reasonable about this, as unfortunately show does not currently air on HBO (oh, the possibilities there), but after all, (FOX, I'm talking to you), it does have a new 9pm time slot, so why not make use of the extra leeway? *smiles innocently*. As much as I've loved them together this season (not to mention the fact that they physically can be together), I don't know if I can say that I've really felt the same electricity and desperate want for each other, no matter the place or circumstances, since the train scene in "Chicago" (though I am quite biased as that is one of my faves).
4) Pad Man speaketh. A lot. WTF, so did he just have a really bad head cold throughout all of season 2? I could have sworn I remembered some mumbo-jumbo about "blind spots" or some-such (deaf spots??) whilst the General man was having his romantic rowboat rendezvous with Mr. Bill Kim, but perhaps I am mistaken. Or perhaps the entire country is a blind spot now. Or, maybe, he finally realized that he was selfishly and short-sightedly posing a serious threat to the environment and the sustainability of our limited resources. Whatever the reason, it appears that Mr. Boss Man has gotten over his strep throat/shyness/deathly fear of public speaking, and has put an end to his blatant paper wastage. Interesting turn of events. While it makes him a bit less mysterious and intimidating, I guess the whole "I just had my tonsils out and need to scratch out my answers" bit was getting a bit old. Really though, I am confused as to why he no longer feels the need to hide his voice. Has power gone to his head and made him careless? (ah, Hubris) Or did I just miss the real explanation because I was too busy swooning over M/S moments??
5) Damn it all, I kept getting distracted from the plot by the scene where Michael and Lincoln are about to drill into the safe and Linc gets all big bro and gives the "what the fuck is up with the damn bloody nose and don't you dare try and bullshit me" look, and had to rewind and replay that part about half a dozen times because something about him and that expression made me think way too much of someone I really shouldn't be thinking about at all.
6) Michael should wear button-up shirts more often. That said, since Michael went and got horribly-painful-and-even-more-so-because-it-was-so-rushed laser tat removal, why is he still forever in long-sleeved shirts? Why not throw us a bone and show a little arm, eh? I suppose because he's horribly scarred from it, but then what was the point? Logically plot-wise or practically as far as entertainment value. I had assumed that they dreamed up the tattoo-removal scenario not so much as a means to torture Michael than as a means for WM to wear short sleeves without having to sit for hours on end to apply horrid, icky-sticky fake tat. And yet, we still have no short sleeves. Even sadder, no wife beaters (oh, season 1, how I miss thee). And (dare I even think it?) certainly no non-shirted scenes (I don't really count that one fleeting shot of him putting a shirt back on in ep 1). In addition, if the purpose was not to appease ever-shallow skin-mongering fan base (raises hand), but indeed for plot-line purposes, well, supposedly the reason for removal was for Michael to be "less conspicuous" (like someone that beautiful wouldn't draw oodles of attention all on his own anyway), but... wouldn't an entire torso/arms full of scars attract just as much attention? And if he still has to wear long sleeves to cover something up, then what exactly was the point?
7) Sara is so cute in her little sneakers.
8) Never thought I'd actually see a woman look at Bradley's phone number like she was actually thinking of calling him.
9) Gretchen gets a taste of her own nasty medicine.
10) More extremely coherent thoughts, this time about the next ep's promo: Sara in a pretty dress!!! Oh noes, did Wentworth Miller's wardrobe get lost and he had to wear his own clothes to shoot the ep? That little look/smile Michael gives Sara? AWwws<3! And: Mahone, NOOooooo!!
11) Max Payne promotion: Saw a teaser for it at the movies a few weeks ago, and thought it was something I definitely wanted to see. My ex-bf used to play the video game, and although I never really got into games myself, I do remember being intrigued by the plot and premise of that one, and the wonderful darkness. And love the fact that the movie seems to have a graphic novel kind of feel to it (don't know if it originally was... somehow I think so...?) And now that I know AN's in it, well, now I definitely have to see it! :)
Annd. The end. Goodnight.