An important decision has been made: I have decided that I really must start reading again. I was such an avid reader in junior high/high school (of course, having basically no social life helped out a bit with that). And even in college I still made the time to read a good deal. But recently I have been shamefully neglectful of my dear old love, books, and honestly it saddens me. Really, you'd think someone who has as many books as I do (5 large boxes which are currently functioning as my tv stand since I am in dire need of a bookshelf... and tv stand) would actually pick one up once in a while. So I took a little trip to Barnes&Noble and made away with this promising little nugget:
which I have been thinking about reading for a while. I also wanted to get Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea by Chelsea Handler, because she often cracks me up, and because I too, often (too often? *g*) worship at the alter of vodka. But alas, it was only in hard cover, so I decided to wait for paperback rather than shell out $20+. And anyway, don't want to be too ambitious, I may be rusty at this "reading" thing.
So... it's not exactly as if I'm making a dent in the long list of classics I've been meaning to get to... but I'm hoping Twilight will help ease me back into the world of reading, such a long forgotten habit for me. Seriously, I think the last book I read was The Historian, a little over a year ago... and I had been reading that for a year (hey, it is quite long) and honestly I think I only finally finished it because I took it with me to Europe and read it on the planes, trains and automobiles. That's not to say I didn't like it though, in fact I really loved it (it's just a bit slow in the beginning and some parts are slightly dry and academic).
Anyway... I've just started Twilight, and I like it already, because there's a character named Jasper (like my cat, lol). ;) I'm really hoping it lives up to all the hype, because I'm planning to see the movie and it'd be nice to have that to look forward to. And now, to get to more of that "reading" business...