but im always true to you darling, in my fashion...

Mar 12, 2007 09:30

so i only vaguely know whats going on right now...
im so tired and out of it, its intense.
im pretty sure lastnight was the worst night of my life.
if your not aware of my mother's medical history i'll fill you in...
She has a inner ear problem so when she gets sick or has any kind of trama she going into like convulsions or something crazy all i know is that everytime it happens mother ens up in the hospital and they always send her home becuz they don't know what it really is that making her go all wonky.
So lastnight i was super tired and on the phone with Tim(waiting for mom to get home from Halifax)
and around 11-ish he convinces me to get off the phone and to go to sleep.
a half hour later mother gets home storms in the door says she feels horrible needs one of her dizzy pills and is going up to bed so she doesnt vomit.
i sat up until 1.30 with her until she fell asleep and iwas sure she was going to be okay.
and of course becuz i was worrying becuz i was the only person in the house with her i was close to being sick myself.
oh it was just the worst.
i was about 15 minutes away from calling someone to come spend the night with me cuz i was sick and needed someone to be with me not to mention make sure mommy was okay, but she fell asleep and i did my best to go and do the same.
and now im up. its almost 10am, so i've been up for an hour.
and it wouldnt be that bad if i had the day to catch up on this sleep, but i dont.
I very likely have plans to go fabric shopping with Auntie Marian & Kate (tim's mother) in truro
which, trust me, you can't imagine how amazingly stoked i am for that. lol
so stoked. :P
even more stoked cuz tim is gonna ask if he can tag along..
i wouldnt be surprised if Kate said no, and i'd still have a AMAZING time but it would be just that much better with Timothy.


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