so today is the day.
i've been with Timothy half a year.
it doesnt seem that long at all, but i'm loving every minute of it.
And today is gonna be awesome.
and as follow up from my last post i'm here to show you pictures of the new Bettas.
Meet Jesus The Second...
... and Judas.
Jesus2 is a female and Judas is a Male Corntail.
Lastnight mommy bought a glow in the dark plant and a castle for them.
and since it's Jesus and Judas, it's the Temple of Jerusalem.lol.
i have NO life! :P
but unlike real J&J Judas is the only one who goes into the castle. lol.
Anyway so iwont be home util like Saturday afternoon/evening
so if i do post about my weekend it'l be like on sunday or something..