Sungkyunkwan's Scandal ended last week.
Lame ending is lame.
I was wondering what drama will take over,
And to my surprise it was the hot new drama "Marry me, Mary/ Mary stayed out all night".
I was out to see the Christmas lights at town so I missed the first 2 episodes.
So thought I'll give it a go today and catch up online.
Low and behold, this new drama totally made my day!
Already I'm up to episode 4 and I'm practically hooked!
Damn those two pretty boys are indeed pretty.
And I'm so fucking jealous of Moon Geun Young.
Be it her young looks, God given knack for acting or popularity,
I sure am longing for those...
There's something different about this drama and I'm glad I'm watching it.
Bringing myself back to the dilemma on what I'm going to to with my life...
Haha I was thinking of hooking up with some random guy and doing some crazy stuff.
But sigh crazy idea is crazy and well it probably won't ever happen in this lifetime.
On a lighter note, my junior Kimberly is coming over today!
Oh you can't possibly imagine the goodies she'll bring over!
Eeeeeek I'm so excited!!
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