(no subject)

Nov 15, 2012 17:40

I admit that I've never been much of a Tolkien fan. I've read plenty of fantasy books in my life but The Lord of the Rings were never a favourite and I believe that the only reason I made it through all the books was because I was stuck in a small car with my family in Norway for a week. I found the books to be slow and filled with pointless facts (don't even get me started on the forests. I have never hated imaginary trees so much in my life) that made me want to stop reading.

But while they are slow and partly pointless, they are also the father of all fantasy and no one can deny that they are beyond epic. When you get passed the annoying parts, the story is really fantastic and the effort that man put into his books is mindblowing.

And then there was The Hobbit.

This was one truly horrible book in my opinion. I found it to be childish and a huge waste of time. I really hated this book and when the Lord of the Ring movies started coming I said sure, read the books but don't bother with the prologue, it sucks.

So obviously I wasn't all that interested when they started talking about making a movie out of this book. I couldn't have cared less in fact.

But that was before I realized that they were going to cast Martin fucking Freeman as Bilbo!

Please excuse me while I go bat shit crazy fangirl while waiting for this movie.
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