Jun 23, 2004 20:12
NO! SHut up you perverts. That's not what I meant. I can taste some kind of peanuts/walnuts/almonds or something in my mouth. It's annoying since I haven't eaten any in...um...a very long time?
Well yesterday was fun. Alex came over. We played Mario-Kart for like, 2 hours. It was fun. We sucked ass at it this time. lol. I haven't played in a while. We watched like, half of this movie called Reposessed (an Exorcist parody), and the Scooby Doo movie.
BTW Alex, your lipgloss is over here. My mom found it sitting on the couch last night. Don't worry, dad or Brian didn't try to eat it.
I'm out now. Later tators!